Tuesday, December 24, 2019

musings 93

Do cycles of good and bad in the life of creatures happen in a continuous frame of rise and fall ..or alternately in disjointed quanta with voids in between? 
It is a daunting metaphysical riddle

You can visualize the progress in the wave form or quantum form. 
In the wave pattern there might not be complete termination but only waxing and waning . 

But quantum system envisages complete blankness in the intervals. 
Physics envisages a sort of uncertainty over these models. 

History too can be so. 
We know too little of history that too of recorded history. 

But the pralaya , yuganthara, kalpantha etc ideas in our epics and puranas and similar testaments in other widespread religions too talk of dissolution of all and fresh creation although perhaps in similar or harmonic cycles. 

Bhagavatham Harivamsham and many other texts give graphic description about such shristi stithi and samaram..and the repetition of the same process.
We are now supposed to be in the 28th kaliyuga in the reign of seventh Manu the Vaivasvatha in the Kalpa of Swethavaraha.
A complete destruction and reconstruction is envisaged at the dividing space between one such slice of time and the next. 

Our concept is that good has the upper hand in the beginning and the evil tries to defeat it but the controller intervenes and restores the good but the good gets debilitated each time and the evil gets stronger. 
When the evil takes the position of advantage in an irreversible way the supreme power destroys the entire system and it is deluge. 
The cycle repeats. 
The above theory is as good or as bad as any other model or theory 
No theory or model can ever be proved right or wrong because the test samples are beyond our reach.

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