Wednesday, December 25, 2019

musings 96

my answer as to who is to decide if anyone has "the stuff " in him or not

here are two tests

1. Just read or revisit what you have written or done after giving an interval of a few days or weeks or years..
Just give an honest answer to yourself whether what you had done earlier was worth it .. or requires revision or improvement..
If you feel there is no room for improvement, either there is little stuff in you or you have run out of stuff..
If you feel it can be done in a better way or can be improved and you embark upon that , you can congratulate yourself that you have stuff in you

2. If what you produce, in bulk or in retail is seen by at least some who evaluate the product honestly--I do not mean the mass hysteria-- and you get some feedback, you can be sure that you have some stuff..
If the product just sleeps in the box like some flopped film, then you can judge the stuff in you by that.

These are two easy rules..
There can be as many rules of the game as anyone wishes..

But the best judge of the stuff in someone is that person himself..

Praise, adulation, contempt, putting down, cheers or jeers hardly matters to one who knows with reasonable certainty what are his contents.
This is confidence and not arrogance.

Others can misjudge us and our actions , but we ourselves can rarely do that, though we may pretend and even make shows of apology..

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