pachai maamalai pol mene

Monday, December 02, 2019

the consummate thief.. Krishna

पीठे पीठनिषण्णबालकगले तिष्ठन् स गोपालकः
यन्त्रान्तस्थित दुग्धभाण्डम् अवकृष्याच्छाध्य घण्टारवं।

वक्त्रोपान्तकृताञ्जलिः कृतशिरःकम्पं पिबन्तः पयः

पायाद् आगतगोपिकानयनयोः गण्डूरफूत्कारकृत्॥ २-९८
pīṭhe pīṭhaniṣaṇṇabālakagale tiṣṭhan sa gopālakaḥ
yantrāntasthita dugdhabhāṇḍam avakṛṣyācchādhya ghaṇṭāravaṁ|
vaktropāntakṛtāñjaliḥ kṛtaśiraḥkampaṁ pibantaḥ payaḥ
pāyād āgatagopikānayanayoḥ gaṇḍūraphūtkārakṛt|| 2-98

A very lovely description of one of the pranks of Krishna.. the butter-thief

(from the great work Srikrishna Karnamrutham.. of Lilashuka.)

The naughty boy, in the company of his chosen friend has sneaked into the house of an aunt in the neighbourhood.. 
The lady is away on some errant..
The boy sees the pots of butter and milk fastened to some slings made of ropes and attached to the ceiling.. which is beyond the reach of this little imp.. 
Moreover, to get alerted about the possible theft of milk or butter, the lady had fastened a rope from the pots to a bell.. and if the pot is moved even a little, the string would get pulled and the bell would chime aloud, bringing in the ever attentive dame of the house..

To gain some access to that great height, the boy Krishna places a wooden stool on the floor right under the point from where the pots are hanging..

Further, Krishna directs his friend to sit crouching, shoulders spread on the stool.. He climbs on the stool and from there stands on the two shoulders of the accomplice in theft..

Standing there, he could reach the pot.. 
He holds the tongue of the bell with fingers of one hand, so that the bell would not chime.
Then with the thumb, he tilts the pot of milk, and the contents start pouring straight down.. 
He is holding his other hand in the shape of a cup to hold the contents of the pot flowing down.. 
He places his lips to the tip of his palm where the milk is pouring..
He is drinking the milk very happily, and he is shaking his heads in utter delight .. making no secret of His happiness in drinking the milk in stealth..

And, the lady of the house returns... 
There is no way to escape.. 
The boy Krishna is sure to be caught.
So he just executes the best act which he could do instantly..
He just spits out the contents of his mouth in a powerful spray .. the mouth is abundantly filled with milk, curd and butter-- on the eyes of the aunt who is just entering.. 
The lady is not able to see for a little while... her eyes filled with milk and butter..
And the boy Krishna disappears like a lightning.. with his friend...

The poet Leelashuka of Srikrishna Karnamrutham.. after describing this naughty act of Krishna wishes us all that such Krishna may protect us for ever..

Krishna bless.. I love you Krishna

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