pachai maamalai pol mene

Sunday, December 01, 2019

the metamorphosis

क्षारं जलं वारिमुचः पिबन्ति तदेव कृत्वा मधुरं वमन्ति।
सन्तस्तथा दुर्जनदुर्वचांसि पीत्वा च सूक्तानि समुद्गिरन्ति॥
kṣāraṁ jalaṁ vārimucaḥ pibanti tadeva kṛtvā madhuraṁ vamanti|
santastathā durjanadurvacāṁsi pītvā ca sūktāni samudgiranti||

I found this great saying in more than one compendiums of great sayings.. Could not trace the identity of the author.. However, the content of the couplet is worth re reading many times..

The clouds absorb the alkaline and saline water found in the oceans and other locations where water is found contaminated, and they give out sweet and rejuvenating fresh water in the shape of rain.. this water is suitable for drinking by us.

Similarly, noble people of exemplary character just listen to and absorb all the nasty words uttered by people of evil mind and just give out nice and sweet words.. which are of great
comfort and utility for all around..

The Good God is an expert in recycling.. and creating the most useful things out of even deadly wast..
The great example is the photosynthesis.. The toxic carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and Oxygen the sustainer of life is given out... And this oxygen is continuously absorbed by living beings for breathing and Carbon dioxide is again generated.. If the great plants, assisted by the Sunlight do not engage themselves in taking in the toxic carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, life on the face of the earth would have been impossible..
Evil has to be converted into good.. and that too in spite of the evil doing harm to the good all the time.. But then God and nature are kind..
And we see many a times that the most beautiful things emerge out of very ugly sources.. That seems to be a poignant message from nature..

Word Analysis.

वारिमुचः the clouds
क्षारं जलं alkaline water
पिबन्ति.. drink
तदेव the same
मधुरं sweet
कृत्वा after converting
वमन्ति. give out
तथा in the same way
सन्तः good people
दुर्जन दुर्वचांसि the nasty words of rude people
पीत्वा after absorbing, after drinking
सूक्तानि nice and worthy words
समुद्गिरन्ति. speak out.

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