Saturday, December 21, 2019

they should be inborn.. not cultivated...

दातृत्वं प्रियवक्तृत्वं धीरत्वमुचितज्ञता।
अभ्यासेन न लभ्यन्ते चत्वारः सहजा गुणाः॥
चाणक्यनीतिदर्पणे ११-१
dātṛtvaṁ priyavaktṛtvaṁ dhīratvamucitajñatā|
abhyāsena na labhyante catvāraḥ sahajā guṇāḥ||
cāṇakyanītidarpaṇe 11-1

A very thought provoking quote from ChanakyaNiti darpana.. a collection of great sayings attributed to Guru Chanakya..
The following four qualities in a human being can be only be inborn.. They cannot be cultivated through training and practice.

I. Tendency to part with things as a matter of help to others
2. Use of words which are endearing and soothing for others
3. Boldness and capacity to face adversities at any cost
4. Capacity to have clear understanding of what is right and what is not so right
Some persons, especially engaged in public work, politics etc where they can survive only if they could be in the good books of one and all, would pretend to have such great qualities, even if they really lack in them.
But sooner or later the bluff will be exposed, often to the detriment of himself and others..

(The management gurus.. and pundits may disagree..
Most of the western self improvement texts have been written on the presumption that these qualities can be whetted...
Yes, if the person has inborn willingness to be of use to other, to be bold etc, then advice and encouragement can nourish and motivate the person..
But if a person is timid and greedy by birth, nothing can be done to improve him)

Analysis of words

दातृत्वं willingness to give
प्रियवक्त्रुत्वं tendency to use nice and soothing words
धीरत्वं boldness
उचितज्ञता capacity to do the right thing at the right time.. discretion
एते चत्वारः गुणाः these four qualities
सहजा भवन्ति. are to be present in a person when he is born.. are born with him
एते these
अभ्यासेन न लभ्यन्ते cannot be acquired through training, or practice..

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