Thursday, December 19, 2019

we miss the very apparent things...

द्वेषः कस्य न दोषाय प्रीतिः कस्य न भूतये।
दर्पः कस्य न पाताय नोन्नत्यै कस्य नम्रता॥
क्षेमेन्द्रः दर्पदलने॥
dveṣaḥ kasya na doṣāya prītiḥ kasya na bhūtaye|
darpaḥ kasya na pātāya nonnatyai kasya namratā||
kṣemendraḥ darpadalane||

A simple yet very forceful poser by the great poet Kshemendra in his Darpadalana

Can enmity be of no disadvantage for anyone?
Can the pleasing attitude of anyone go without benefit for all?
Can arrogance exist without causing abysmal fall for one who entertains it?
Can humility ever fail to take one to great heights in his life

The poet uses double negatives.. perhaps to give us time to think and let the thought sink in.. What he says is pure and simple.. but his thoughts convey eternal truth..

Enmity with someone, with or without justification, would cause damage only.. The damage might be minor or serious..

A pleasant demeanour and behaviour is the best exercise in public relations.. It is an attribute that can attract others so easily..

However learned we are, however sincere and generous our course of action is, if we arrogant, we would be putting out the whole world.. we would be turning the whole lot of people against us.. knowingly or unknowingly..

And humility is a great decoration for the capable persons, a passport and visa to even unreachable terrain.. And humility is the only escape route for the persons who are less endowed..

The sloka is just a reiterations of what we really know..
But a very appropriate reminder for us..

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