Friday, January 24, 2020

परोक्षप्रियाः इव हि देवाः

many religious and spiritual issues are to be kept secret..
many things are not expected to be discussed or imparted unless under sterile and strict conditions..
one should never talk out or give views to an audience without measuring their interest and keenness ..
Krishna at the conclusion of Gita prescribes the right limits for imparting or exchange of knowledge..

इदं ते नातपस्काय नाभक्ताय कदाचन |
न चाशुश्रूषवे वाच्यं न च मां योऽभ्यसूयति || 67||

idaṁ te nātapaskyāya nābhaktāya kadāchana
na chāśhuśhruṣhave vāchyaṁ na cha māṁ yo ‘bhyasūtayi
bhagavat gita chapter 18

so spiritual discussions are never meant for people with no interest or inclination to listen..

In upanishads, we can find that when a disciple approaches a preceptor, the guru just gives minor educative tasks to the seeker, in instalments, keenly evaluating the process of learning.. and the ultimate or effective knowledge would be passed on only if the preceptor is convinced beyond any doubt that the seeker is keen and earnest and that the knowledge imparted would serve its purpose..
See how hesitant Yama was to discuss the secrets of atma vidya with Nachiketas.

In social media discussions we flaunt things voluntarily,
showing off what we have
and even what we do not have..

However mantrams and parts of Shruti the Veda are all to be handled with great reverence, and adequate secrecy..
परोक्षप्रियाः इव हि देवाः.. is a vedic dictum..

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