Tuesday, January 14, 2020

How to become Popular

How to become Popular

घटं भिन्द्यात् पटम् छिन्द्यात् कुर्याद्रासभरोहणम्।
येन केन प्रकारेण प्रसिद्धह् पुरुषो भवेत्॥
ghaṭaṁ bhindyāt paṭam chindyāt kuryādrāsabharohaṇam|
yena kena prakāreṇa prasiddhah puruṣo bhavet||

A very interesting Subhaashitam..
To become popular, of to become noticed by others some people explore many interesting methods.. They will go to any extent.

The poet just lists a few such activities..

One may openly break many earthen pots,
one may tear off his clothes in public,
and some may even mount the backs of donkeys and ride around streets where they would be noticed..

The only anxiety for such men is that they should be noticed and therefore become famous (at least those who indulge in such funny activities think so)

The era of selfies and limericks in social media..
with so many avatars was not guessed by the poet..

I have come across some interesting equivalents for the above phenomenon in local languages..

They talk of persons who convert the narrow loincloth as headgear to attract attention..
കോണകം അഴിച്ചു തലയില്‍ കെട്ടുക..

கூத்திலே கோமாளி
the tendency to become the joker and jester in a drama so that one can do so many antics to act attraction ...

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