Tuesday, January 28, 2020

man is a bundle of good and bad

Man is a bundle of good and bad. Even the greatest heroes had their weak spots. Even in history or in religious lore we do not see persons free of all foibles. Even Lord Krishna or the Mahatma Gandhi had their share of less comfortable traits. But no one usually tries to point out such matters when considering the overall glory.
As KALIDASA said in kumarasambhavam
 एको हि दोषो गुणसन्निपाते निमज्जतीन्दोः किरणेष्विवाङ्कः
A single or slight flaw gets obliterated when there is a torrential flow of merits..The black spot seen on the surface of the moon is not considered material as there is a constant flow of cool pleasant rays in huge abundance from the moon

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