Saturday, January 11, 2020

wrong politics...

एकं विषरसं हन्ति शस्त्रेणैकश्च बध्यते।
सराष्ट्रं सप्रजं हन्ति राजानं मन्त्रविप्ळवः॥
ekaṁ viṣarasaṁ hanti śastreṇaikaśca badhyate|
sarāṣṭraṁ saprajaṁ hanti rājānaṁ mantravipḻavaḥ||
A very sweeping statement by the master statesman Vidura makes during his conversation with his king and elder brother Dhritarshtra., The treatise in the epic Mahabharatam is considered to be very authoritative in Political science.. Here he is dealing with the lack of proper advice by ministers and also lack of confidentiality in the matters of state..
If poison gets mixes with drink or food, it may kill one individual.. A weapon can be used to kill one person at a time.. However, deviation from the path of proper deliberation with learned ministers and failure to keep confidentiality of such proceedings shall annihilate the ruler along with the kingom and the subjects..
The concept of collective responsibility of the Cabinets in modern state and maintenance of certain level of confidentiality in such proceedings.. the idea was conceived in all its seriousness by our elder statesmen of all times..
ManthraviplavaH.. this can mean breach in proper deliberation of matters of state and also lack of secrecy in such deliberations..

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