Saturday, February 22, 2020

bleating sheep gets devoured

अशनं मे वसनं मे जाया मे बन्धुवर्गो मे।
इति मे मे कुर्वाणं कालवृको हन्ति पुरुषाजम्॥
aśanaṁ me vasanaṁ me jāyā me bandhuvargo me|
iti me me kurvāṇaṁ kālavṛko hanti puruṣājam||

Another worthy Subhashitam
This is my food,, this food is for me alone
This is my cloth... it is meant specially for me
This is my life.. my lovely wife
These are my kin.. my exclusive kin
The man who is just like a goat is bleating mey mey calling out ever for the perishable worldly possessions
And the wolf in the shape of time which is all greed to gobble him, spots him by the "mey mey " bleating and makes a sumptuous meal out of him.
Here the author.. an anonymous one.. is driving home the futility of our existence without substance.. where we run after some things like food, cloth, wife and family... and we run around bleating like goats just expecting to pissess and maintain these things for ever.. and time is running out on us... the precious time to engage ourselves some activities worth emulation.. an time is watching on us like a wolf.. and on listening our bleating.. our craving for some worldly belongings.. pounces on us and we are finished for ever..

mey.. mey.. is the way a goat bleats..
mey... means mine.. my own.. too..
The poet implies that we are behaving like sheep when we are chanting mey mey for ever..

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