Sunday, February 16, 2020

blowing hot and cold

क्षणे तुष्टाः क्षणे रुष्टाः तुष्टाः रुष्टाः क्षणे क्षणे
अव्यवस्थितचित्तानां प्रसादोऽपि भयङ्करः॥
व्यवस्थितः प्रशान्तात्मा कुपितोऽप्यभयङ्करः।
अव्यवस्थितचित्तानां प्रसादोऽपि भयङ्करः॥
kṣaṇe tuṣṭāḥ kṣaṇe ruṣṭāḥ tuṣṭāḥ ruṣṭāḥ kṣaṇe kṣaṇe
avyavasthitacittānāṁ prasādo'pi bhayaṅkaraḥ||
vyavasthitaḥ praśāntātmā kupito'pyabhayaṅkaraḥ|
avyavasthitacittānāṁ prasādo'pi bhayaṅkaraḥ||

People, be it rulers, bosses, spouses, family members, friends, neightbours, who are in a very happy and benevolent mood at one moment and could plunge to great anger and violence just within a short time, are to be handled with extreme caution..
Even the favourable mood of a person who can have sudden mood-swings, can mean great danger.

On the contrary, people who are calm and composed by nature, are not really dangerous even if they are extremely provoked and even if they seething with anger.
Again, the favourable mood of a person who is prone to unpredictable mood swing is indeed dangerous.

Yes, balance of behaviour, and some sort of predictabilty is necessary for the welfare of a person himself and for others too.

If a fellow behaves like a cow most of the time.. we can understand..
If he behaves like a poisonous snake all the time then too he can be handled with due dilgence..

But a fellow who can be a cow one moment and a venomours reptile the other moment can pose serious problems

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