Friday, February 07, 2020

do not serve a wretched boss

नासेव्यसेवया दध्यात् दैवाधीने धने धियम्।
भीष्मद्रोणादयो याताः क्षयं दुर्योधनाश्रयात्॥२२
क्षेमेन्द्रकृते चारुचर्यायाम्॥
nāsevyasevayā dadhyāt daivādhīne dhane dhiyam|
bhīṣmadroṇādayo yātāḥ kṣayaṁ duryodhanāśrayāt||22
kṣemendrakṛte cārucaryāyām||

A great advise by the great poet Kshemendra in his work Charucharya

One should never apply his mind and energies in earning and accumulating money through rendering service to persons who do not deserve such service and who use that service for the detriment of others..After all the money one earns comes by the will of God if it is earned properly.
Bheeshma and Drona met their nemesis in spite of all their valour and other great qualities because they served that evil fellow Duryodhana..

We are living in a social environment where the capacity to earn decides a persons standing in his house, family, society and even the nation.. Often, the money earned just whitewashes the dark patches one has incurred in his life in his attempts to earn the money.
Of course, when one's existence itself is at stake, one may not be able to think about the merits or demerits of the boss he is serving.. That is a different issue..

But for the heroes like Bheeshma and Drona, they could have claimed anything in this world through their own knowledge and valour.. and service under a king like Duryondhana with dubious antecedents was not at all necessary..
In the process of their career with Duryodhana, Both Bheeshma and Drona kept quiet when so many evil deeds were perpetrated..
Ultimately, they joined the forces of Duryodhana.. as the commanders in chief on two different periods.. fully knowing that justice belonged to the other side.. the Pandavas..

In such cases, they deserved nothing other than injury and death in the war..
And impartial observers always would wonder why these two grand old men remained steadfast to Duryodhana who was on the wrong side, in every way..

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