Monday, February 17, 2020

many things are too trifling to cause bother..

ब्रह्माण्डं मण्डलीमात्रं किं लोभाय मनस्विनः।
शफरीस्फुर्तेनाब्धिः क्षुब्धो न खलु जायते।। ३।९२।।
भर्तृहरेः वैराग्यशतके
brahmāṇḍaṁ maṇḍalīmātraṁ kiṁ lobhāya manasvinaḥ |
śapharīsphurtenābdhiḥ kṣubdho na khalu jāyate | | 3|92 | |
bhartṛhareḥ vairāgyaśatake

for the really wise men of substance, the entire universe is merely like a mirage.. is there any scope for intense desire or greed for them in this world?

The vast ocean will not get agitated just because a tiny fish just swims in its waters with great speed and intensity..

The philosopher poet, Bhartruhari is driving home the point that the really mature people do not consider the comforts and discomforts, the affluence and poverty of this worldly existence as anything substantial.. For them the ups and downs are like mirages.. They are sure that the appearance of pastures far away as greener as just the play of the mind..
With that balanced mind, they have no time for feeling jealousy or avarice..

The comforts are just like the vigorous movement of tiny fish in the vast ocean..The minds of the great people are so big and calm like the ocean.. The movement of tiny fish would hardly make any impact on it.

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