Monday, February 24, 2020

musing on Sandhyavandanam

During every morning and evening as we do sandhya vandhanam

we close our accounts of mean and sinful activities offering the sins and ourselves as oblation to the sun the womb of Immortality, (in the morning) and the fire and truth..the wombs of immortality in the evening

with a prayer to sun(In the morning) and fire(in the evening) and the god of anger Manyu himself that we may be protected against the sins of commissions and omissions caused by Manyu representing anger and base feelings.

We list in our confession the misdeeds caused by

mind and words

by the hands and feet ,

by the stomach and the genitals,

and also recount all the accumulated bad karma..

Such a periodic confession with such precision and at the exact timeslots where day and night or night and day meet each other is ever conceived by any other race.

If we can do that with precision and faith there is no doubt that we can leave this world without any baggage of good or bad at any moment

(this is the vedic mantram

सूर्यश्च मा मन्युश्च / अग्निश्च मा मन्युश्च मन्युपतयश्च मन्युकृतेभ्यो पापेभ्यो रक्षन्ताम्॥ यद्रात्रिया /यदह्ना पापमकार्षं मनसा वाचा हस्ताभ्यां पद्भ्यां उदरेण शिश्ना। रात्रिः / अहः तदवलुंपतु। यत् किञ्च दुरितं मयि। इदमहं मां अमृतयोनौ सूर्ये / सत्ये ज्योतिषि जुहोमि स्वाहाः॥

sūryaśca mā manyuśca agniśca mā manyuśca manyupatayaśca manyukṛtebhyo pāpebhyo rakṣantām|| yadrātriyā yadahnā pāpamakārṣaṁ manasā vācā hastābhyāṁ padbhyāṁ udareṇa śiśnā| rātriḥ ahaḥ tadavaluṁpatu | yat kiñca duritaṁ mayi| idamahaṁ māṁ amṛtayonau ṣurye ṣātye jyotiśi juhomi svāhāḥ||)

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