Wednesday, February 26, 2020

offer to God and receive it back

सोमो वा एतस्य राज्यं आदत्ते। यो राजा सन् राज्यो वा सोमेन यजते। देवसुवामेतानि हवीग्ंषि भवन्ति।तावन्तो वै देवानाग्ं सवः। त एवास्मै सवान् प्रयच्छन्ति। त एनं पुनः सुवन्ते राज्याय। देवसू राजा भवति।
somo vā etasya rājyaṁ ādatte| yo rājā san rājyo vā somena yajate| devasuvāmetāni haveegṁṣi bhavanti |tāvanto vai devānāgṁ savaḥ | ta evāsmai savān prayacchanti| ta enaṁ punaḥ suvante rājyāya| devasū rājā bhavati|

Krishna Yajurveda Taittireeya Aranyakam First Ashtakam Fourth Adhyaayam Second Anuvakam.. (Final Mantram in that Anuvakam)

All would have heard this mantra.. We chant this great mantram when we offer Camphor light or Karpoora Neerajanam to the deity..

It is actually in praise of Agni and Soma.. Soma is the deity of herbs and medicince, also considered as the Moon.
The right and control of everything is with Soma.. And the person who is eligible and desirous to be the leader or the king on a permanent basis, offers everything including the possession and the capacity to be the king.. in fire sacrifice to Soma symbolically
And then havis, purodaasha, soma juice etc are offered in fire to Agni Soma and other related deities who are pleased with such offer and would give back the kingdom and leadership to the yajamanan

When we do the Karpoora Harati.. we are assuming that we are offering everything we have to the deity.. and the deity, pleased with our pooja is presenting us back all that is offered to it and all the Aishvaryams too in addition

Meaning of the Mantra.. A general translation based on the commentary by Sayana Acharya..

This person (yajamana) who is a king and a person eligible to be a king too.. performed Soma sacrifice and offered his kingship along with all possession and the kingdom to Soma.. who consecrated them..
Now to redeem back that kingship and kingdom, offers in havis and soma juice are being given to Agni Soma and connected divine beings.
The Gods are capable of blessing the performer of the sacrifice done through offering of havis(cooked rice or grain etc ),
with the control over his own house,
his kingdom and all the sublime blessings or Aishvaryas.

When offerings in cooked grain soma juice etc are offered to these various gods, they give back the Kingdom, leadership over the house and nation, and all the Aishvaryams to the performer of Sacrifice.
And thus persuaded and blessed by the various divinities, this person who is the yajamana of the sacrifice, becomes the king, leader and the sublime one..

We take offer everything to God,, and receive back those great and sublime things from Him with his blessings added and then alone we can live happily

That was the Indian Vedic concept..

Tena Tyakthen Bhunjeethaa... in Ishaavasya upanishad to conveys this idea

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