Sunday, February 16, 2020

seeing divinity everywhere in the universe

नमो महद्भ्यः नमो अर्भकेभ्यो नमो युवभ्यो न आशिनेभ्यः॥
ऋग्वेदे १-२७-१३
नमो ज्येष्ठाय च कनिष्ठायच नमः पूर्वजाय च नमो मध्यमाय च॥
यजुर्वेदे १६-३२
आब्रह्म्स्तंबपर्यन्तं परमात्मस्वरूपकं
स्थावरं जंगमं चैव प्रणमामि जगन्मयम्॥
स्कान्दपुराणे गुरुगीतायाम्
namo mahadbhyaḥ namo arbhakebhyo namo yuvabhyo na āśinebhyaḥ||
ṛgvede 1-27-13
namo jyeṣṭhāya ca kaniṣṭhāyaca namaḥ pūrvajāya ca namo madhyamāya ca||
yajurvede 16-32
ābrahmstaṁbaparyantaṁ paramātmasvarūpakaṁ
sthāvaraṁ jaṁgamaṁ caiva praṇamāmi jaganmayam||
skāndapurāṇe gurugītāyām

The Indian tradition respected everything .. and never trivialized anything on the basis of its comparative youth or comparative inferiority in age or resources..

The primordial Veda Rigvedam offers pranams to all in these words
Pranams to great people and to the tiny child or infant at the same time
Pranams to the young ones and the ones who are ripe in age and experience..

The Yajurvedam offers pranams like this

Pranams to Elder, Pranams to the one who is younger, pranams to the one who took birth prior to us, pranams to the middle one or of equal age in comparison,

The Skaanda Puranam.. and the Guru Gita which is a part of it says.

I offer my Pranams to that all embracing world which is the embodiment of the Supreme being which manifesting as this jagat, with all all the movable objects here and the immovable objects too, the universe spreading all around as brahmastamba..

Reverence to everything and thankfulness for their presence was the hallmark of Indian culture..
No individual can live or survive without the harmonious existence of things which are either animate or inanimate, which are young or old, which are soft or tough, which are bright or dark..
And no one thought of asking others to prostrate before them.. They just offered their folded palms to others..
Let us remember that..

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