Friday, February 28, 2020

the lady is the real gem

न स्त्रीरत्नसमं रत्नम्॥
३१३॥ चाणक्यसूत्रं॥
na strīratnasamaṁ ratnam||
313|| cānakyasūtraṁ||

The great aphorism of Guru Chanakya.. in his monumental string of great sayings... Chanakya Niti.


There is no gem that would be equal to a lady ( in the house)

It would seem a very ordinary statement.. Even a flattering statement made by a man to please the womenfolk

But Chanakya was a no-nonsense person.. and a sage and celibate and a great intellectual..  he had nothing to gain in his life through flattery..

But he was very wise, wisdom personified..

The most valuable possession in material wealth was stored as gold and precious gems.. And the gems are most valuable when they are blemish-less.

The family, society, the nation.. all are held in its proper workable shape only by the presence of females.. There can be no dispute about it..
We in India, assigned feminine gender to all the soft and finer things.. the earth is given feminine gender.. Most of the rivers are feminine.. The flower creepers and herbs are usually feminine..
Many things which are matter of fact can become workable only when there is the touch of affection by a woman.. The woman may be a grandmother, mother wife, sister, daughter or granddaughter..
And even when the male created divine forms were assigned supreme power, the same forms were shackled with the riddle that these forms would be of no effect when they were in the presence of their female counterparts.. Shiva without Shakti or Uma is a nobody.. Narayana without Lakshmi or Shree, Brahmadeva without Vani.. are of not use to anyone including themselves..

Only the feminine touch can hold together the delicate human relationships .. the relationships which form a tight rope walk between goodwill and generosity on the one side and crass selfishness on the other end..

Pranams to all Mothers.. and all ladies who are the embodiment of the Divine mother..

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