Tuesday, February 18, 2020

we delude ourselves

असारे खलु संसारे सुखभ्रान्तिः शरीरिणाम्।
लालापानमिवाङ्गुष्ठे बालानाम् स्तन्यविभ्रमः॥
asāre khalu saṁsāre sukhabhrāntiḥ śarīriṇām|
lālāpānamivāṅguṣṭhe bālānām stanyavibhramaḥ||

The human beings who possess these mortal bodies delude themselves that the world is full of comforts while actually the material world is full of absurdities and unfatomable uncertainties.
The delusion is something like the child who is supremely happy that he is drinking the breast milk of his mother, while he is sucking his thumb and fingers and drinking his own saliva..

The child picks up the habit of sucking his fingers because as he goes on sucking the saliva flows to the fingers and the child could taste and drink back a part of it..

We humans who are suckers too just think that there is a lot of pleasure in this world but the absurdity of it stares at us in capital letters.

Sucker means a gullible or easily deceived person.

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