Thursday, February 13, 2020

we seem to be in a stupour

आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितं
व्यापारैर्बहुकार्य-भार-गुरुभिः कालो न विज्ञायते।
दृष्ट्वा जन्म-जराविपत्ति-मरणं त्रासश्च नोत्पद्यते
पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्त भूतं जगत्॥
भर्त्रुहरेः वैराग्यशतके ७
ādityasya gatāgatairaharahaḥ saṁkṣīyate jīvitaṁ
vyāpārairbahukārya-bhāra-gurubhiḥ kālo na vijñāyate|
dṛṣṭvā janma-jarāvipatti-maraṇaṁ trāsaśca notpadyate
pītvā mohamayīṁ pramādamadirāmunmatta bhūtaṁ jagat||
bhartruhareḥ vairāgyaśatake 7

A very thoughtful introspection by the great philosopher poet Bhartruhari in his Vairagya Shatakam
Meaning of the quote

With the Sun rising and setting every day, the life-span of a human being is getting shortened, never getting any extension

As he is completely engrossed in tiding over tasks loaded with responsibilities that eat away his whole attention, the passage of time in days, months and years is not either understood by him or taken seriously.

And even the repeated sights of miseries happening during birth, due to old age or through accidents, and the irreversible changes brought about by death have ceased to make any fearful impact on him,

It seems that the entire world is in a state of mad stupour and inebriation brought about by drinking heavily on the hooch of reckless forgetfulness and delusion

Of course, forgetfulness is a great boon.. If we look before and after and pine for what is not.. as stated by Shelley, we would not be able to live in peace even for a split second..
The philosopher poet does not mean that we should live every day in the shadow of a black past or a bleak future..
But our activities should never bog us down to ordinary, mundane things.. to such an extent that we just do not have any time or energy to think of our mission as human beings who have come to this earth to make it greener.. and make our own lives brighter..

Of course, life will go on, whether we really live it or not..
But the specialty of human life is to spread a little life, a little beauty, an little comfort, wherever we live.. and to leave those things a little longer in those places even after we leave..
Meaning of the words

नरस्य a mans
जीवितं life
आदित्यस्य of the sun
गतागतैः by the coming and going.. raising and setting
अहरहः day after day
संक्षीयते is just shrinking, is getting destroyed.
तेन by him by the man
बहु many, numerous,
कार्य भार गुरुभिः loaded with duties and responsibilities
व्यापारैः activities, deeds,
कालः time , passing of time
न विज्ञायते is not understood, is not realized
जन्म life
जरा old age
विपत्ति accidents
मरणं death
दृष्ट्वा having seen
तस्मिन् in him
त्रासः fear
न उत्पद्यते च is not generated too
एतत् this
जगत् world
मोहवयीं intoxicating, deluding
प्रमादमदिरां the toddy of delusion, the drink of forgetfulness
पीत्वा having drunk
उन्मत्त भूतं has become inebriated.. has forgotten itself.

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