Thursday, February 06, 2020

Write Ramayanam in detail.. Brahma Tells Valmiki.. 3

Write Ramayanam in detail.. Brahma Tells Valmiki.. 3
(continued from the previous post..)

तस्य शिष्यास्ततः सर्वे जगुः श्लोकमिमं पुनः।
मुहुर्मुहुः प्रीयमाणाः प्राहुश्च भृशविस्मिताः॥४०
While the sage Valmiki was yet to recover from his pleasant surprise at the turn of things, his disciples too were excited very much and were reciting the slokam Maa nishaada again and again, shovering on their preceptor lots and lots of reverence filled with affection and were telling each other about the greatness of this stanza..
समाक्षरैश्चतुर्भिर्य्यः पादैर्गीते महात्मना।
सोऽनव्याहरणाद्भूयः शोकः श्लोकत्वमागतः॥४१
The words uttered by the Sage comprising of four parts comprising of equal number of letters, all of which sounded soft and mellifluous reflecting the pathos arising from the sight of the tragedy of the Krauncha birds, gave the impression that Shoka.. or pathos themselves had taken the shape of a shloka.. and when the same words were repeated and rendered to more and more persons by the disciples of the Sage Valmiki, the same work attained the status of a great poetical work, a shloka in real terms..
So Shoka or grief itself metamorphosed into a shloka.. a great poetic composition.. that is Maa nishaada..
तस्य बुद्धिरियम् जाता वाल्मीकेर्भावितात्मनः।
कृत्स्नम् रामायणम् काव्यमीदृशैः करवाण्यहं॥४२
With a steady mind, Valmiki decided that he would compose the Kavyam covering the complete story of Rama.. called Ramayanam, adopting the same literary technique used her ( in the Shloka Maa nishaada..)
And thus the entire Ramayana was composed

तदस्य रामस्य चकार कीर्त्तिमान्।
समाक्षरैः श्लोकशतैर्यशस्विनः
यशस्करम् काव्यमुदारधीर्मुनिः॥४३

The Sage Valmiki of abundant intellect and knowledge with great reputation created the great composition Ramayana in praise of Rama who was of immaculate fame.. The work comprised of hundreds of Shlokas which had their words and letters arranged with great precision and in proper combination . The shlokas were sublime and captivatded the minds of thorugh their meanings, words, alliteration and literary merit. The composition always bestowed on the writer as well as the readers welfare beyond measure..

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