Friday, March 27, 2020

frog in the well

Remember the story of a frog.. which was exchanging ideas with another colleague... One frog lived in a well for ever, and the second one had gone around a lot.

The frog who is the hero of this story resided in a deep well all through its life, but the visitor had been jumping all around the world beyond the well too, and had finally landed up inside the well presumably for a short visit..

Of the many experiences it had while wandering around, the frog who was the guest reported to his friend about the shape and size of an elephant he had seen..

An elephant according to the visitor was too huge and its size could not be explained in words or gestures in the frog-tongue..

The permanent resident of the well, the first frog was very sure that there could not be anything anywhere which could be bigger than himself..

So he drew a lot of air into his lungs and his whole body puffed up .. and asked his friend whether the elephant could be as big as that..

When the friend replied that the elephant was far, far bigger, the frog of the well tried to increase the size of the body more and more by filling himself with a lot of air..

This happened half a dozen times..

Still the friend and visitor, the frog from the broader earth was not able to agree on the comparison of the size between the elephant and the colleague who lived in the well, albeit all his puffing up.

The occupant of the well was not ready to concede on the issue of comparative sizes

He drew in further quantities of air.. and finally it happened..
The conceited frog's body could not withstand any more intake of air, and the frog and its body just shattered like a balloon, giving a loud noise akin to burst of a cracker..

Of course with that burst, all the pride, conceity and the misery of the frog of the well was over once for all..

We see such puffed up gasbags everywhere, within us and without too..

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