Saturday, March 14, 2020

Is doing poojas and chanting mantras really effective.. ?

Is doing poojas and chanting mantras really effective.. ?
Will such rituals produce any results?
Maybe or may not

I really do not know..
But spending some time
in tending to the deities,
cleaning their precincts
doing abhishekam,
(offering ceremonial bath to God)
(offering flowers to God)
(offering food to God)
(offering lamps and incense to God)
and so on

and chanting the praise of the Gods in Sanskrit either as Vedic chants or stotrams ...
(the prayers can be in Malayalam Tamil, Hindi or in any language)
gives supreme happiness..
Such periods are the happiest moments in life..

All worldy woes and anxieties can be forgotten for those few minutes..
Is that not good enough?
what else one should desire for..?

A smile,
even though just in imagination,
on those dark red lips
of the dark face
of that dark Krishna ..
that is all for which we can live
and we can die too..

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