Thursday, March 19, 2020

ladies perhaps can carry an extra sharp hairpin too.. in case of emergency

What can we do about the aberrations and abuses we encounter in our lives and in social media.. ?
There is hardly any way out..

The simple or simplistic prescription appears to be that we should be sane and sensible.. we should not get carried away..
Not carried away by words, gestures, overtures, friendships, enmities, praises, trolls.. there should be a Lakshman Rekha..
(easier said than done)

But then even Vishvamitra , Shiva, and Indra fell to temptations.. so also the noble souls like Ahalya..

Of course we can keep our eyes and ears open..
we can keep our minds too open and alert..
But there is danger lurking at every corner..

There is no guarantee that anyone is going to finish his journey successfully..
Usually the journey peters out or is terminated..
Life is just the biggest Oxymoron..

Sure, we can take care that we do not get ourselves and our dresses dirtied unnecessarily..
Perhaps we can carry an umbrella..
And ladies perhaps can carry an extra sharp hairpin too.. in case of emergency..

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