Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lead us in the right path..Agni

Lead us in the right path..Agni

At the conclusion of oblations to the fire in the vedic way yajnas, homams etc, we pray to Agni requesting him to lead us in the path of righteousness and also to destroy our propensities to tread the sinful path..
The mantram is from Rigvedam first Mandalam..
The mantram is also found as the concluding mantra of Isha or Ishavasya upanishad.

अग्ने नय सुपथा राये अस्मान् विश्वानि देव वयुनानि विद्वान्।
युयोध्यस्मज्जुहुरणमेनो भूयिष्ठाम् ते नमौक्तिम् विधेम॥
ऋग्वेदम् १ -१८९ - १-२
ईशावास्य उपनिषद् १८

agne naya supathā rāye asmān viśvāni deva vayunāni vidvān|
yuyodhyasmajjuhuraṇameno bhūyiṣṭhām te namauktim vidhema||
ṛgvedam 1 -189 - 1-2
īśāvāsya upaniṣad 18

Oh Lord Agni, we praise you with lots and lots of praises and nice words.
May you be pleased to lead us in the fair and righteous path for the enjoyment of all our actions and endevours.
Blessed Lord, you are knowing or keenly watching all our activities and we pray that you may be pleased to destroy our tendencies to tread the crooked or deceitful path and save us from our sins.
word meaning

अग्रे agne -- oh agni
अस्मान् asmaan -- us
राये raye -- to the enjoyment of fruits of our actions and attempts
सुपथा supathaa -- by the fair and right path
नय naya -- lead
देव deva -- oh lord
विश्वानि viśvāni -- all, entirely
वयुनानि vayunāni -- deeds activities
विद्वान vidvān -- knowing
अस्मत् asmat -- from us
जुहुराणं juhuraanam -- crooked ways, decietful
युयोधि yuyodhi -- destroy
ते te -- to you
भूयिष्ठां bhūyiṣṭhām -- in plety
नम उक्तिं nama uktim -- words of praise
विधेम vidhema -- we submit

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