Friday, March 13, 2020

musings 119

The growth of man and his society too is measured in the way he wages an unrelenting battle against the baser tendencies of his mind and instincts.. and scores some winning points..

There is really no success or failure in this war..
There is a tug of war all the time..
The diligent person can retain the advantage of pull towards what we consider good.. and if the vigil is relaxed even for a split second, the mind will jump back to its own ways.. and such ways may not be good and nice at all..
The default position seems to be towards the not so good..

The quality of our life, and the life of the society and all its ingredients can depend on the extent of vigilant victory we gain over the vagaries of the mind..

It is our choice, either as individuals or as a fairly harmonious group.. either to control our minds or let our minds control us..

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