Sunday, March 15, 2020

once we think of Hari.. all impurity vanishes

while studying about the rules regarding taking food in our Hindu traditions, I came across the following observations..

Regarading chanting the name of Lord Hari

देवतान्तरनामानि नाशुचिः परिकीर्तयेत्। नारायणस्य नामानि सदा सर्वत्र कीर्तयेत्॥ धर्मशास्त्रे
devatāntaranāmāni nāśuciḥ parikīrtayet| nārāyaṇasya nāmāni sadā sarvatra kīrtayet|| dharmaśāstre

In a general analysis of Dharmashastras, it is said..

When one is polluted physically or mentally, he should not in general chant the names of the Gods..
But whatever be the condition, one should chant the name Narayana, at all times and in every place..

कबले कबले चैव कुर्यात् गोविन्दकीर्तनम्। नाशौचं कीर्तने तस्य पवित्रं भगवान् हरिः॥ व्यासोक्तं
kabale kabale caiva kuryāt govindakīrtanam| nāśaucaṁ kīrtane tasya pavitraṁ bhagavān hariḥ|| vyāsoktaṁ

Bhagavan Vyasa Says..
With every morsel of food we take we should praise Govinda.. There is no impurity ever when we are chanting His name..
Lord Hari is Purity itself for ever
(once we think of Hari.. all impurity vanishes)

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