Wednesday, March 25, 2020

sources of supreme comfort

संसारातप दग्धानां त्रयो विश्रान्तिहेतवः।
अपत्यं च कलत्रं च सतां सङ्गतिरेव च॥
saṁsārātapa dagdhānāṁ trayo viśrāntihetavaḥ |
apatyaṁ ca kalatraṁ ca satāṁ saṅgatireva ca||
another gem from Chanakya
For a person who is struggling in the scorching heat of daily life of travails, three things come as sources of supreme comfort
The first is his own child
The second is his wife
And the third is,
The friendship and the company of noble friends..
A life without priorities is like a rudderless boat floating in the vast expanse of water.. Imagination gains wings, and expectation soars high when one begets a child..
A loving and supportive wife makes the difference in life
And without good friends what is life.?

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