Monday, March 30, 2020

unfair means..

अनिष्टाद् इष्टलाभोऽपि न गतिर्जायते शुभा।
यत्रास्ते विषसंसर्गोऽमृतं तदपि मृत्यवे॥
aniṣṭād iṣṭalābho'pi na gatirjāyate śubhā|
yatrāste viṣasaṁsargo'mṛtaṁ tadapi mṛtyave||

A warning from Hitopadesham

If we achieve even the most coveted goal through unfair and devious means , or get the most desired object from someone who is basically not favourably disposes to us, then the outcome of such achievement or the enjoyment of such object would not yield the positive effect or enjoyment.. Most often these may cause only detriment to us..
Even the Ambrosia or amrita, if it has come in contact with poison for a few moments, would cause only death and destruction later..

Even the slightest contact with poison makes even the good thing toxic.. And wrong means just destroy the good effects of any achievement..

We tend to forget this.. knowingly or unknowingly..

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