Friday, April 03, 2020

powerless rage

स्वस्योन्नतेषु जनितं हृदि कोपवेगं
निघ्ने प्रदर्शयति भृत्यजने मनुष्यः।
श्वश्रूगतं हृदयवर्धितमात्मकोपं
भाण्डे प्रदर्शयति हस्तगते वधूटी॥
svasyonnateṣu janitaṁ hṛdi kopavegaṁ
nighne pradarśayati bhṛtyajane manuṣyaḥ|
śvaśrūgataṁ hṛdayavardhitamātmakopaṁ
bhāṇḍe pradarśayati hastagate vadhūṭī||

Another down to earth Subhashitam.. found in the compilation Sookthimukthaavali.
When a man is seething in anger against someone who is superior to him and who is so powerful that he could not be offended, then the fellow gives vent to his anger on his servants who are dependent on him and could not retaliate.

When a daughter in law is angry with her mother in law she shows the anger by kicking the pots that are ready at hand in the kitchen, and if possible by breaking the earthen pots..

of course, the chemistry between mother in law and daughter in law has undergone a reversal.. Now if at all it is the mother in law who will have to break the pot.. If the daughter in law is angry, the place of the mother in law will be either in the open street of if the son is somewhat kind, the mother in law would find herself in an old age home..

मनुष्यः man
स्वस्योन्नतेषु in respect of person who are superior to them
हृदि जनितं arising in the heart, mind
कोपवेगं intensity of anger
निघ्ने who are harmless, unable to retaliate
भृत्यजने towards the sevant folk
प्रदर्शयति show
वधूटी the daughter in law of the house
श्वश्रूगतं generated towards mother in law
ह्रुदयवर्धितं seething in the hear
आत्मकोपं own anger
हस्तगते what is available on hand
भाण्डे on the pot
प्रदर्शयति. shows.

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