Tuesday, June 09, 2020

musings 129

Gratitude is a feeling for something which we have been blessed with without which we could not have existed, and for which we could not fix monetary value by the usual fiscal standard.. There is the absence of one more rule.. if you want to repay the gratitude, you need not, and often could not pay it to the agency or supplier who delivered the bounty on you.. The gratitude for the wealth showered on by us by God is repaid by applying the wealth for the good of the mother earth and the humanity.. My gratitude to my mother should go to my sister, wife or daughter or a sibling or my child.. The gratitude to a tree having shaped himself into a beautiful statue should be shown by planting another sapling.. The gratitude we feel for the dessicated wisdom we find in words of scholars and printed words should be given back by opening the eyes of generations through education.. So, if your neighbour hands over a packet of sweets to you on a divali day, just telling Mubarak of Thanks is an empty exercise.. Distributing the sweets to those who really would relish and thank God.. may be the real gratitude.

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