Thursday, July 08, 2021

For Hindus life is a mixture of happiness and challenges too..


Hinduism never prescribed that one should not relish the nice moments in his life..

Even the procedures for showing pleasures and jubilation and procedures for mourning are clearly prescribed.. We can see that even during a Yajnam, there were songs and jubilation prescribed. But I was addressing to a situation where it was claimed that the days and nights are created by God just for pleasure. Maybe, the universal declaration of rights of the man, would chime in to endorse this idea..

But Hinduism-- it a a huge bundle of prescriptions denoting varied paths and styles of life.. will not veer away from the hard truth that one has to pay the price for what he does.. either good or bad.

It would be funny to claim that married lives were messed up by Hindus because of faith.

For this was a community which prescribed and canvassed for lots and lots of children, and no one ever said that one should not enjoy sex while siring children.

Each social and religious rule can be analysed in this manner, from a wide and multi spectral perspective...

Narrowness in perception is not the faulty creation of the authors of scriptures or social leaders of the Vedic eon..
If some people tried to interpret things to further their selfish interest, the ignorance of the set-up and the gullibility of the person at the receiving end are to be blamed.

Such exploitation will happen anywhere. Not because of any religion, but because of the ugly and base nature of some of the players on the arena.

For a Hindu, the concept that life is just a honeymoon period of eternal happiness (created by God) is not right.

The basic foundation of Hindu religion is the theory of Karma. We are sent to this world to expiate our bad karmas and get purified, If we do not add bad karma to our life during the present life too.. If we have atoned sufficiently for our past bad or evil Karmas, we may escape from the life cycle...

And if we try to make this life seem like a huge picnic with much flutter and fury, we have two disadvantages.

First, we lose our chance at least to a certain extent to atone for our sins.

Second, usually, since human mind is made like that, the pleasures we indulging would seem pleasures only if we see some other person placed at a comparative disadvantage. Also finding even indirect pleasure in such comparison can only add to our accumulated capital of sins.

One thing about prayer is that it is essentially related to religious faith, and if a Hindu mixes Christian or other concepts to Hindu way of faith, the whole thing becomes so fuzzy and confused.. Each religion has its own way.

But I am sure about one fact. No religion with sufficiently large following has ever described this living world and a continuum of paradise. The drama which is life also has its own heroes and villains. And that drama is not conducted according to any standard script. It cannot be too.

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