Friday, July 09, 2021




The five urns made of mud are placed on a clean elevated ground.. in the appropriate place in the place of worship.. The middle pot is to house Brahma, the Eastern one to house Indra, the Southern one Yama, the western one Varuna and the Northern one the Soma or moon.


ॐ भूः ब्रह्माणं आवाहयामि। ॐ भुवाः प्रजापतिं आवाहयामि। ॐ सुवः हिरण्यगर्भं आवाहयामि। ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः चतुर्मुख आवाहयामि। ब्रह्मणे इदं आसनं॥


om bhūḥ brahmāṇa āvāhayāmi| om bhuvāḥ prajāpati āvāhayāmi| om suva hirayagarbha āvāhayāmi| om bhūrbhuvassuva caturmugha āvāhayāmi| brahmae ida āsana||

In the middle pot.. Brahma is invoked..

He is invoked using the Bhoo vyahriti and the name Brahma ,

the Bhuva Vyahriti and the name Prajapati,

the Suva Vyahrita and the name Hiranya garbha
and with all the three Vyahrits.. and the name chaturmukha..
He is offered respected seat in the pot.


ॐ भूः इन्द्रं आवाहयामि। ॐ भुवः वज्रिणं आवाह्यामि। ॐ सुवः शतक्रतुं आवाहयामि। ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः शचीपतिं आवाहयामि। इन्द्राय इदं आसनं॥


om bhūḥ indra āvāhayāmi| om bhuva vajria āvāhyāmi| om suva śatakratu āvāhayāmi| om bhūrbhuvassuva śacīpati āvāhayāmi| indrāya ida āsana||

In the pot placed towards east of middle .. Indra is invoked..

He is invoked using the Bhoo vyahriti and the name Indra ,

the Bhuva Vyahriti and the name Vajrin, the one who wields the weapon or Vajra or thunderbolt

the Suva Vyahrita and the name Shataratu.. the one who has performed hundred (Ashvamedha ) Sacrifices

and with all the three Vyahrits.. and the name Shachipathi, the husband of Shachi the Indrani.. He is offered respected seat in the pot.


ॐ भूः यमं आवाहयामि। ॐ भुवः वैवस्वतं आवाह्यामि। ॐ सुवः पितृपतिं आवाहयामि। ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः धर्मराजं आवाहयामि। यमाय इदं आसनं॥


om bhūḥ yama āvāhayāmi| om bhuva vaivasvata āvāhyāmi| om suva pitpati āvāhayāmi| om bhūrbhuvassuva dharmarāja āvāhayāmi| yamāya ida āsana||

In the pot placed towards South of middle .. Yama is invoked..

He is invoked using the Bhoo vyahriti and the name Yama,

the Bhuva Vyahriti and the name Vaivasvatha.. the son of the Sun god

the Suva Vyahriti and the name Pitrupathi the Lord of the world of manes

and with all the three Vyahrits.. and the name Dharmaraja .

He is offered respected seat in the pot.


ॐ भूः वरुणं आवाहयामि। ॐ भुवः प्राचेतसं आवाह्यामि। ॐ सुवः सुरूपिणं आवाहयामि। ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः अपांपतिं आवाहयामि। वरुणाय इदं आसनं॥


om bhūḥ varua āvāhayāmi| om bhuva prācetasa āvāhyāmi| om suva surūpia āvāhayāmi| om bhūrbhuvassuva apāṁpati āvāhayāmi| varuṇāya ida āsana||

In the pot placed towards West of middle .. Varuna is invoked..

He is invoked using the Bhoo vyahriti and the name Varuna , ,

the Bhuva Vyahriti and the name Praachetas

the Suva Vyahriti and the name Suroopi the one with attractive form

and with all the three Vyahrits.. and the name Apaam Pathi or the lord of waters.

.He is offered respected seat in the pot.


ॐ भूः सोमं आवाहयामि। ॐ भुवः इन्दुं आवाह्यामि। ॐ सुवः निशाकरं आवाहयामि। ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः ओषधीशं आवाहयामि। सोमाय इदं आसनं॥


om bhūḥ soma āvāhayāmi| om bhuva indu āvāhyāmi| om suva niśākara āvāhayāmi| om bhūrbhuvassuva oadhīśa āvāhayāmi| somāya ida āsana||

In the pot placed towards West of middle ..Soma is invoked..

He is invoked using the Bhoo vyahriti and the name Soma

the Bhuva Vyahriti and the name Indu

the Suva Vyahriti and the name Nishaakara

and with all the three Vyahrits.. and the name Aushadeesha or the lord of herbs

.He is offered respected seat in the pot.

ब्रह्मादिभ्यो नमः अर्घ्यं पाद्यं आचमनं स्नानं समस्तोपचारान् समर्पयामि

brahmādibhyo nama arghya pādya ācamana snāna samastopacārān samarpayāmi

The five deities Brahma, Indra, Yama, Varuna and Soma are offered arghyam, Padyam, Achamanam Snanam and all other honours..

दिशां पतीं नमस्यामि सर्वकाम फलप्रदान् कुर्वन्तु सफलं कर्म सततं शुभं॥

diśāṁ patīṁ namasyāmi sarvakāma phalapradān kurvantu saphala karma satata śubha||

I am offering pranams to the lords of the directions, they are capable of granting me all my desires. May they be pleased to enable me to complete the solemn celebration successfully ever.. with a happy finish.

Then the mantras from Aushadee Sooktham are chanted..
Of course many more vedic mantras can be chanted here..
But the essential three stanzas from Taittireeya Brahmanam are quoted below

या जाता ओषधयो देवेभ्यः त्रियुगम् पुरा

मन्धामि बभ्रुणा महाग्ं शतान् धामानि सप्त च॥

याः फलिनीर् या अफला अपुष्पा यास्च पुष्पाणीः।

बृहस्पति प्रसूता स्ता नो मुञ्चत्वग्म् हसः॥

ओषदयः सम् वदन्ते सोमेन सह राज्ञा।

यस्मै करोति ब्राह्माणस्तग्म् राजन् पारयामसि॥

yā jātā oadhayo devebhya triyugam purā

mandhāmi babhruṇā mahāg śatān dhāmaani sapta ca||

yāḥ phalinīr yā aphalā apupā yāsca pupāṇīh|

bhhaspati prasūtā stā no muñcatvagm hasa||

oadaya sam vadante somena saha rāā|

yasmai karoti brāhmāṇastagm rājan pārayāmasi||

I am celebrating and praising the seven herbs of seeds with brownish red colour.. the herbs which were born three yugas earlier even to Devas and are occupying one hundred and seven fortresses and palaces in their great existence

May those herbal plants which have taken birth from the Divine Preceptor and Deity Brihaspati, who would yield fruits, who have not given fruits, who have yielded flowers and who have not yielded flowers too ..may all of them release us from all our sins and misfortunes.

The herbs are in the company of King Soma the moon, and all are declaring in unison..
May the person for whom the learned scholars are spreading us through this Karma, attain eternal liberation from worldly woes ..

Then the Yajamana first, his patni then and other sumagalis spread the seeds on the five urns
The mantram while placing seeds in the respective urns is

ॐ ब्रह्मणे नमः अयं बीजावापः॥

ॐ इन्द्राय नमः अयं बीजावापः॥

ॐ यमाय नमः अयं बीजावापः॥

ॐ वरुणाय नमः अयं बीजावापः॥

ॐ सोमाय नमः अयं बीजावापः॥

om brahmae nama aya bījāvāpa||

om indrāya nama aya bījāvāpa||

om yamāya nama aya bījāvāpa||

om varuṇāya nama aya bījāvāpa||

om somāya nama aya bījāvāpa||

Pranams to Brahma.. I am spreading the seeds for you

Pranams to Indra.. I am spreading the seeds for you

Pranams to Yama.. I am spreading the seeds for you
Pranams to Varuna .. I am spreading the seeds for you
Pranams to Soma .. I am spreading the seeds for you

The urns with seeds are watered or nurtured with milk and kept for five or seven days or more according to the length of the function and finally the sprouted seeds are immersed in some waterfront ceremoniously..

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