Tuesday, June 27, 2023

a calm and happy mind...source of all that is good.. Maitrayani Upanishad

चित्तस्य हि प्रसादेन हन्ति कर्म शुभाशुभम्।
प्रसन्नात्मात्मनि स्थित्वा सुखमव्ययमश्नुते॥
मैत्र्युपनिषद् ( मैत्रायन्युपनिषद् ) १-६
cittasya hi prasādena hanti karma śubhāśubham|
prasannātmātmani sthitvā sukhamavyayamaśnute||
maitryupaniṣad ( maitrāyanyupaniṣad) 1-6
A simple and matter of fact statement found in Maitrayanai Upanishad..
This is what all the psyhologists and psychiatrists and lifestyle gurus canvas in so many words
Only through the composure and relatively positive state of the mind can a person handle all actions whether such actions have favourable or unfavourable, positive or negative outcome.
The calm and composed person, concentrating on the positive attitude of the mind would attain everlasting, eternal comfort and happiness.
( Staying positive and steadfast in oneself implies that one invokes the ever positive divinity in mental frame)
A happy and composed mind alone can keep a human being in place..
We suffer from temporary lack of balance too often and face the consequence..
When the balance is lost completely, then we are mad.. That is another thing.
The importance of having a calm mind for a healthy existence is often touted as a recent concept..
But it is nice to find such views in our Upanishads and scriptures penned millenniums ago.
We know yoga philosophy and practice came into vogue just to keep the mind and body healthy,,, and the stress was more on mind than the body.
It is important to note that even when one faces adversities and problems in life the positive texture of the mind should be kept up.. Then alone he can survive such bad patches in life..
word analysis
नरः Man
चित्तस्य of mine
प्रसादेन composure, positive state
हि only
शुभाशुभं कर्म action with positive and not so positive results
हन्ति face, negotiate successfully
प्रसन्नात्मा नरः man with composed and happy mind
आत्मनि स्थित्वा remaining steadfast in his calm self
अव्ययं सुखं अश्नुते enjoys eternal happiness, lives in eternal comfort.

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