Wednesday, June 07, 2023

invite a guest.. do not invite trouble

वक्रैः क्रूरतरैर्लुब्धैर्न कुर्यात् प्रीतिसंगतिम्।
वसिष्ठस्याहरद् धेनुं विशामित्रो निमन्त्रितः॥३५
क्षेमेन्द्रकविप्रणिते चारुचर्यायाम्॥
vakraiḥ krūratarairlubdhairna kuryāt prītisaṁgatim|
vasiṣṭhasyāharad dhenuṁ viśāmitro nimantritaḥ||35
kṣemendrakavipraṇite cārucaryāyām||
Another quote from Charucharya of Kshemendra.
A person should never have a friendly and generous get together with a persons who is perverted, cruel and avaricious
Being invited to be a guest, Visvamitra tried to take away by fore the cow of Sage Vasishta.
We should try to develop friendship with good people and seek the company of only those who are really nice.. If we try to seek the company, knowingly or unknowingly, of people who are too selfish, cruel and avaricious to understand what is fairplay and justice, we are inviting danger in capital letters.
The story of the altercation between Vishvamitra and Vasishta is given as an example.
Vishvamitra, the king was on a hunting spree in a forest. He lost his way and finally reached the precincts of the hermitage of Sage Vasishta..
Seein the king and his retinue wandering around the sage invited them to be his guests. The king Vishvamitra enjoyed the hospitality.. He was given all the facilities befitting a Royal personage.. When Vishvamitra asked Vasishta how a poor sage could arrange for such an affluent feast, Vasishta revealed the Surabhi, the divine cow was staying in his hermitage, and it was her bounty that the sage could accord such opulent hospitaity to the king and his men..
Vishvamitra, instead of being thankful, was pervertedly avaricious, and asked the Sage to hand over the cow to the King.. When Vasishta declined, the king used force and captured the divine cow..
So the hospitality accorded to a pervert proved to be hazardous to the host.
The story goes on that Vasishta simply annihilated the forces of Visvamitra through his yogic powers and Visvamitra was beaten left and right..
Word Analysis
नरः a person
वक्रैः perverts
क्रूरतरैः extremely cruel
लुब्धैः avaricious
सह with
प्रीति संगतिं न कुर्यात् should not try to have a friendly meeting or get together.
निमन्त्रितः invited as a guest
विश्वामित्रः king Visvamitra
वसिष्टस्य of Vasishta
धेनुं आहरत् captured, grabbed the cow.
K v ananthanarayanan

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