Tuesday, June 27, 2023




ब्रह्ममुरारिसुरार्चितलिङ्गं निर्मलभासितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
जन्मजदुःखविनाशकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥१॥

देवमुनिप्रवरार्चितलिङ्गं कामदहं करुणाकरलिङ्गम् ।
रावणदर्पविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥२॥
सर्वसुगन्धिसुलेपितलिङ्गं बुद्धिविवर्धनकारणलिङ्गम् ।
सिद्धसुरासुरवन्दितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥३॥

कनकमहामणिभूषितलिङ्गं फणिपतिवेष्टितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
दक्षसुयज्ञविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥४॥
कुङ्कुमचन्दनलेपितलिङ्गं पङ्कजहारसुशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
सञ्चितपापविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥५॥
देवगणार्चितसेवितलिङ्गं भक्त्या भाव सुभावित लिङ्गम् ।
दिनकरकोटिप्रभाकरलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥६॥
अष्टदलोपरिवेष्टितलिङ्गं सर्वसमुद्भवकारणलिङ्गम् ।
अष्टदरिद्रविनाशितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥७॥
सुरगुरुसुरवरपूजितलिङ्गं सुरवनपुष्पसदार्चितलिङ्गम् ।
परात्परं परमात्मकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥८॥
लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेत् शिवसन्निधौ ।
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥


ബ്രഹ്മമുരാരിസുരാര്‍ചിതലിംഗം നിര്‍മലഭാസിതശോഭിതലിംഗം


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൧॥


കാമദഹം കരുണാകരലിംഗം ।


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൨॥

സര്‍വസുഗന്ധിസുലേപിതലിംഗം ബുദ്ധിവിവര്‍ധനകാരണലിംഗം । സിദ്ധസുരാസുരവന്ദിതലിംഗം

തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൩॥

കനകമഹാമണിഭൂഷിതലിംഗം ഫണിപതിവേഷ്ടിതശോഭിതലിംഗം ।


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൪॥

കുങ്കുമചന്ദനലേപിതലിംഗം പങ്കജഹാരസുശോഭിതലിംഗം ।


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൫।।


ഭക്ത്യാ ഭാവ സുഭാവിത ലിംഗം ।


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൬॥

അഷ്ടദളോപരിവേഷ്ടിതലിംഗം സര്‍വസമുദ്ഭവകാരണലിംഗം ।


തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൭॥

സുരഗുരുസുരവരപൂജിതലിംഗം സുരവനപുഷ്പസദാര്‍ചിതലിംഗം ।

പരാത് പരം പരമാത്മകലിംഗം

തത് പ്രണമാമി സദാശിവലിംഗം ॥൮॥

ലിംഗാഷ്ടകമിദം പുണ്യം

യഃ പഠേത് ശിവസന്നിധൌ ।


ശിവേന സഹ മോദതേ ॥

brahmamurārisurārcitaliṅgaṃ nirmalabhāsitaśobhitaliṅgam ।

janmajaduḥkhavināśakaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥1॥

devamunipravarārcitaliṅgaṃ kāmadahaṃ karuṇākaraliṅgam ।

rāvaṇadarpavināśanaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥2॥

sarvasugandhisulepitaliṅgaṃ buddhivivardhanakāraṇaliṅgam ।

siddhasurāsuravanditaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥3॥

kanakamahāmaṇibhūṣitaliṅgaṃ phaṇipativeṣṭitaśobhitaliṅgam ।

dakṣasuyajñavināśanaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥4॥

kuṅkumacandanalepitaliṅgaṃ paṅkajahārasuśobhitaliṅgam ।

sañcitapāpavināśanaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥5॥

devagaṇārcitasevitaliṅgaṃ bhāvairbhaktibhireva ca liṅgam ।

dinakarakoṭiprabhākaraliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥6॥

aṣṭadalopariveṣṭitaliṅgaṃ sarvasamudbhavakāraṇaliṅgam ।

aṣṭadaridravināśitaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥7॥

suragurusuravarapūjitaliṅgaṃ suravanapuṣpasadārcitaliṅgam ।

parātparaṃ paramātmakaliṅgaṃ tat praṇamāmi sadāśivaliṅgam ॥8॥

liṅgāṣṭakamidaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhet śivasannidhau ।

śivalokamavāpnoti śivena saha modate ॥



ब्रह्ममुरारिसुरार्चितलिङ्गं निर्मलभासितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
जन्मजदुःखविनाशकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥१॥
I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is offered floral tributes by Brahamadeva, Vishnu the Murari and all the occupants of Heaven,

That Linga which shines forth without blemish, with unearthly brilliant shine and which is decorated with great beauty
That Linga, which on sincere worship would divest the devotee of all the sorrow arising out of life and Karma in this world

देवमुनिप्रवरार्चितलिङ्गं कामदहं करुणाकरलिङ्गम् ।
रावणदर्पविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥२॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is offered worship and floral tributes by the foremost among gods, sages and saints

That Linga that burnt to ashes the God of Love Kamadeva

That Linga which is the eternal source and reservoir of mercy for the devotees

That Linga which subjugated the arrogance of the Rakshasa king Ravana and brought him to his knees

सर्वसुगन्धिसुलेपितलिङ्गं बुद्धिविवर्धनकारणलिङ्गम् ।
सिद्धसुरासुरवन्दितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥३॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is eminently anointed with all available cosmetics and fragrant unguents

That Linga that would be the root cause for kindling the intellects of the devotees

That Linga which is respectfully served and worshipped by siddhas, Suras, the Gods and Asuras, the demons

कनकमहामणिभूषितलिङ्गं फणिपतिवेष्टितशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
दक्षसुयज्ञविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥४॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is ceremonially and royally decorated with ornaments of pure gold and all precious gems
That Linga which is encircled by the Lord of Serpents, Vasuki
That Linga which caused the breaking up and destruction of the huge Yajna conducted by Prajapathi Daksha

कुङ्कुमचन्दनलेपितलिङ्गं पङ्कजहारसुशोभितलिङ्गम् ।
सञ्चितपापविनाशनलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥५॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That lingam with is copiously smeared with pastes of Kumkumam and Sandal
That Linga which is decorated with a beautiful garland made of Lotus flower

That Linga which destroys the age-old sins of the devotees accumulated over many lives

देवगणार्चितसेवितलिङ्गं भक्त्या भाव सुभावित लिङ्गम् ।
दिनकरकोटिप्रभाकरलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥६॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is offered worship and floral tributes by flocks of Divine beings of Heaven
That Linga which is held in extreme devotion and utter faithfulness by all people around

That Linga which shines with a glow that would provide brilliance for one crore Suns

अष्टदलोपरिवेष्टितलिङ्गं सर्वसमुद्भवकारणलिङ्गम् ।
अष्टदरिद्रविनाशितलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥७॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is consecrated on a yogic lotus with eight petals

That Linga which is the source and beginning point for all the great and auspicious activities happening in this Universe
That Linga which removes eight types of poverty afflicting the devotees

(The eight types of damages or affliction by way of poverty are.. damage to life, damage to health, damage to prosperity, damage to progeny. Children, grandchildren etc., damage to physical possessions, damage to Victory, damage to mental peace, damage to good name and fame –Worship of Lord Sadshiva would ensure that such damages never occurs)

सुरगुरुसुरवरपूजितलिङ्गं सुरवनपुष्पसदार्चितलिङ्गम् ।
परात्परं परमात्मकलिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदाशिवलिङ्गम् ॥८॥

I offer my Pranams and fall at the feet of that eternal Master, Sadashiva in the Linga form

That Linga which is worshipped by Lord Brihaspathi, the guru of the Devas and also worshipped by other major Gods
That Linga which receives floral tributes through flowers collected from the great gardens of heaven

That Linga which represents the Supreme being even above the Supreme one
That Linga which is the Universal Brahman, the paramatma itself

लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेत् शिवसन्निधौ ।
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥

This octet on the Lord Sadashiva manifesting in the form of Linga.. If this is recited or read in the august presence of Lord Shiva…

in the Shrine of Lord Shiva..

The one who recites the hymn would reach the supremely sacred world of Shiva at the conclusion of his sojourn on the face of earth, and would enjoy the bliss of company of Lord Shiva for ever and ever

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