Sunday, June 18, 2023

musings 133

In life, we have many choices..
We can choose the good, the nice and the right things.. We can choose the wrong ones too..
If we choose the right and good, we can expect to enjoy favourable and happy results too..
If we choose the wrong things, we may have to pay the price too..
We may choose the wrong ones at the start..
Still it is never late to correct our course..
Of course, the corrected ones may not be as nice as those which were good even at the beginning..
Still we can get on reasonably well..
But if we choose bad, and refuse to correct ourselves at any stage just because we have chosen something already, we are lost beyond hope..
The choice can be our physical path..
If we walk on clean roads, wearing safe and comfortable footwear, we may negotiate our journey comfortably.
Of course, the journey can be difficult even then.. A stray dog or a wayward vehicle might chase us.. Still we have the satisfaction that we did our best..
But if we insist on running helter skelter on a dirty road, we are sure to harm ourselves, make our feet dirty.
Such choice would apply to our thoughts too..
We can have nice and friendly thoughts, we can be good to others..
We can choose to be nasty and cruel too..
Of course, even the best among us might have to succumb to bad thoughts once in a while.. There too, if we think right most of the time, we can have the satisfaction that we tried our best.
And we presume that the good God supports the right thoughts and the right actions..
Many lifestyle techniques, many codes of conduct, and many moral laws all evolved from the attempts of the collective psyche of humanity to do good.. and to desist from bad..
We talk about Yoga.. We talk about Gita... They all just help us to act right, think right, do right, and to correct ourselves when we deviate from right..
The choice is ours
Let us choose the right..

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