Thursday, June 29, 2023

musings 140

Happened to see a post somewhere that an Old man who is apparently a brahmin would have gone to the extent of accepting even a Christian Lady as his daughter in law, because he would do anything for the sake of his children.. There was an ad lib that the question was only hypothetical..
I could not help reacting..
My reply, for archives here
It is not a hypothetical question for anyone today..
That is happening everywhere..
It is a Hobson's choice for the parents..
Accept it, all will be happy..
Do not accept it and lose your offspring and happiness too..
But there is no guarantee that any amount of love shown to Mary mol and all is going to make any difference..
The cultural alienation will be a glaring reality..
But we have to embrace it when we have no choice..
But the portrayal of this as a heroic action or as a sacrifice for the sake of the offspring, is just a silly empty claim..
The boy and girl are going to have their choices whether the old dandy likes it or not..
And it is a fact that once the Son or Daughter acquire a spouse, their preferences for parents would take the backseat
I know many old persons would claim that Appa, Amma, etc are very revered and the children exhibit copious affection..
But in my view that exhibition is only a stage show..
Of course, it is better to accept realities rather than having pipe dreams..
And in the fitness of things too a person should love his spouse more than either his or her parents or the offspring..
That unique love is the foundation for all other family and social ties.
Sorry, I had no business to comment, but could not help making this remark...
Why are we using double talk always?

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