Wednesday, July 19, 2023

appearances can be deceptive..

Vyasa, as all of us know, is the creator of Prastana Thrayam.. Gita, Brahmasootram and Upanishads
And Shankara is considered to be the greatest exponent of these three..
Once, it is said, Shankara was discussing the nuances of Vedanta Sutram or Brahmasootram.. with his disciples..
Lord Vyasa, visited the place disguised as a doddery old man, and started a conversation with Shankara..
"Are you Shankara, who claims that he has given a commentary on Brahmasootram? Can you answer some of the questions I have on it and clear my doubts? "
Before Shankara Could reply his irate disciples who thought Shankara was too great to answer to an old man like this, tried to drive him away..
Shankara noticed it and paid his respects to the aged person and said..

" Brahmasootram is great beyond words , and my respects are due to its author and so many learned commentators who have preceded me.. My pranams to all of them..
I am neither confident nor have any arrogance that I am an authority on that treatise..
However I shall attempt to explain whatever I have understood about it as you have been eager to make such queries to me.."

And it is said Vyasa was immensely happy..
Yes, appearances can be deceptive..

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