Wednesday, July 12, 2023

विधेर्विचित्राणि विचेष्टितानि॥

यः सुन्दरस्तद्वनिता कुरूपा
या सुन्दरी सा पतिरूपन्हीना।
यत्रोभयं तत्र दरिद्रता च
विधेर्विचित्राणि विचेष्टितानि॥
yaḥ sundarastadvanitā kurūpā
yā sundarī sā patirūpanhīnā|
yatrobhayaṁ tatra daridratā ca
vidhervicitrāṇi viceṣṭitāni||
the one who is attractive and charismatic gets an ugly wife
the beautiful dame gets an unattractive moron for her husband
if by chance both are nice and beautiful then poverty intervenes
indeed strange are the ways of fate..

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