Sunday, July 16, 2023

नापृष्टः कस्यचिद् ब्रूयात् न चान्यायेन पृच्छतः

नापृष्टः कस्यचिद् ब्रूयात् न चान्यायेन पृच्छतः।
जानन्नपि हि मेधावी जडवल्लोक आचरेत्॥
nāpṛṣṭaḥ kasyacid brūyāt na cānyāyena pṛcchataḥ|
jānannapi hi medhāvī jaḍavalloka ācaret||
A very poignant and pointed remark by Sage Manu is his monumental Manusmriti.. Relevant for any person of any eon.
A wise person should never give any advise or even enter into a conversation with somebody unless he is asked first.
A wise person should never care to answer a query which is improper and impolite and is made without any sense of justice
A wise person should remain in this world as if he is ignorant or even immobile or dead for all practical purposes even if he is well aware of all the happenings ( He should be active only if he is requested to be so)
If we study any ancient texts like vedas, upanishads, tantras, puranams etc it would be seen that the contents are being narrrated only after people all around make very polite entreaties to the one who knew. Ramayana for example is given by Sage Narada to Valmiki only in responce to many submissions by the latter
Our social media culture and media activism seem to have turned things topsy turvy..
Wise or unwise everyone shouts everywhere
word analysis
मेधावी a wise person
न not
अपृष्टः without being aksed
कस्यचिद् to anyone
न ब्रूयात् should not tell
अन्यायेन without propriety in an unruly manner
पृच्छतः one who asks
अपि न ब्रूयात् should not reply too
सः He
जानन् अपि even if he has great knowldege
लोके in this world
जडवत् like an inanimate thing
हि आचरेत् should behave
K v ananthanarayanan

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