Tuesday, July 18, 2023

हराश्लिष्टगात्रम् भजे बालमूर्तिम्

I could not erase this scene just repeatedly running in my mind as if it is a video picture.. and the feeling is simply sweet..
That cute boy is nestling in the lap of his mother..
The best,
the most beautiful
the most affectionate mother anyone could have..
No one knows who is more fortunate,, that boy who has the chance to sit in the lap of that mother..
Or that mother who had this boy playing in her lap..
The question can never be answered
The boy's father,
the best father,
who is the father for everyone and who has no father,
is just calling the boy for an embrace...
And the boy is simply leaping forth to get himself engulfed in a tight embrace of that father..
Here there is no doubt as to who is more fortunate..
It is the boy..
The ultimate purpose in the life of any living being is to just dissolve Himself in that embrace.. the embrace of that father
The mother is Uma the Parvathi
The father is Shankara
and the boy is Skanda..the Karhikeya
This is a scene presented by Aadishankara in his Subramania Bhujanam..
Shankara must have known the embrace Himself.. After all He was both the Aach;arya Shankara and Lord Shankara too..
इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान् प्रसार्याह्वयत्यादराच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्गात्
समुत्पत्य तातम् श्रयन्तम् कुमारम् हराश्लिष्टगात्रम् भजे बालमूर्तिम्॥१८
सुब्रह्मण्य भुजङ्गात्
ihāyāhi vatseti hastān prasāryāhvayatyādarācchaṅkare māturaṅgāt
samutpatya tātam śrayantam kumāram harāśliṣṭagātram bhaje bālamūrtim ||18
subrahmaṇya bhujaṅgāt
I worship that Divine being Kumara, the Skanda, who has assumed the form of a child. While nestling in the lap of His mother Uma, his father Shankara is beckoning him with a lot of love to give an embrace.. And immediately the boy just leaps and reaches the bosom of His father where H e is consigned in a very tight embrace of the one who is the destroyer of all the sins of all beings, the Hara..
What an Imagery... Feel truly blessed
It is the divine presence of Somaaskanda Parameshvara..
Analysis for Sanskrit students..
वत्स इह आयाहि my child, come to me
इति thus
हस्तान् प्रसार्य spreading his arms
आदरात् with lots and lots of love
आह्वयति शङ्करे सति when Shankra called
मातुरङ्गात् from the lap of His mother, Uma |
समुत्पत्य leaping at
तातम् श्रयन्तम् and reaching His fatehr
हराश्लिष्टगात्रम् the one who is held in a tight embrace by Lord Hara, the Shankara
बालमूर्तिम् the one who has assumed the form of a boy|
कुमारम् भजे I worship Lord Kumara.. the Skanda
vatsa iha āyāhi iti hastān prasārya ādarāt āhvayati śaṅkare sati māturaṅgāt samutpatya tātam śrayantam harāśliṣṭagātram bālamūrtim kumāram bhaje

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