Saturday, July 08, 2023

Even very small gestures can measure us..

Even very small gestures can measure us..

I am sharing an experience, a nagging painful obsessive uneasiness I face in daily life , in a general way..
Usually I do not use social media for good mornings and selfies.. But faithfully,
I would greet everyone on the birthday or on achieving some special landmark or on emotional occasions, with due care..
But funnily, even wishes for birthday evoke no response from many.
When someone does not respond, benefit of doubt can be given taking that he might not have visited the web.
But some people mark "like", as if they are just doing a favour to the person who took the extra care to greet them.
And some people do the worse thing.. they would respond heartily to some greetings while would ignore others..
I really do not understand..
Someone greets you and wishes you well, taking an extra interest in you
The person who greets get practically no personal benefit..
And the recipient should, if he is a normal, gregarious person, feel happy and thankful that someone remembered him..
I greet at least fifteen to twenty persons a day.. for birthday or for some other landmark.. But there would be response only from one or two..
Is it that if we feel goodwill for our fellow human beings, we are becoming cheap in their eyes?
And often when I feel very bad about the chillness in response, I
am tempted to cut off the friendship..
But somehow it is very painful to use the scalpel..
Maybe I am too old, archaic and pathetically romantic.
( But sure, a person who ignores me ceases to be my friend the moment I feel it.. Call me vicious and undiplomatic for stating this, but it is the way I feel)

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