Monday, July 17, 2023

hierarchy, inter se superiority among Hindu Deities

I found some discussion about the western view that the Indian idea of superiority of Gods of various names shifted from the hierarchy of Vedic times to later puranic times..
In fact, the Indian idea of God is that the Supreme power is one an the same and the naming conventions and modes of worship were just based on functionality.. So substitution of one name with another meant very little
My take on the issue
The whole misapprehension on the part of western analysts who considered our spirituality peripherally and just scholastically was that they could not see the sum and substance as a whole.
When a man is hungry he praises food. When he is thirsty he praises water.
This does not mean either water or food is superior to one another.
This logic would apply to every facet of our religion.
We knew ultimately that the supreme being is the manifestation of all the sublime aspects.
We the practitioners of this great religion did not have any doubt or confusion either in vedic vedantic or puranic or bhakthi eons and not even in the present time.
Does saying that I love my mother best mean that I do not love my father with equal intensity?
And we were a dynamic society and all those that composed the hymns were not philosophers. They just reported what they felt when they witnessed something. That did not mean they were telling that others were inferior.
How can one compare Kohli and Modi and say one is inferior to another?
And in vedic and upanishadic and later in puranic lore too the names and characters represented the traits and functions.
No fight was expected on the basis of identifiable personality cult
of any of the deities .( If such things happened they were aberrations.. and aberrations could happen once in a while )

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