Friday, July 21, 2023

hospitality, sweet friendship

एह्यागच्छ समाश्रयासनमिदं कस्माच्चिरात् दृश्यते
का वार्ता कुशलोऽसि बालसहितः प्रीतोऽस्मि ते दर्शनात्।
एवं ये समुपागतान् प्रणयिनः प्रह्लादयन्त्यादरात्
तेषां युक्तमशङ्कितेन मनसा हर्म्याणि गन्तुं सदा॥
ehyāgaccha samāśrayāsanamidaṁ kasmāccirāt dṛśyate
kā vārtā kuśalo'si bālasahitaḥ prīto'smi te darśanāt|
evaṁ ye samupāgatān praṇayinaḥ prahlādayantyādarāt
teṣāṁ yuktamaśaṅkitena manasā harmyāṇi gantuṁ sadā||
A very nice subhashitam.. with a universal appeal..
We could visit the happy home of a peson as a guest ideally only if...
when we reach, we are welcomed, and and asked to enter in hearty words, come in , come in
we are offered comfortable seats and offered primary hospitalities
we receive the anxious query as to why we are not seen more often
we are asked about all the happy news about us
we are receiving solicitous queries about the welfare of our boys ( and girls too)
there is open show of happiness at our visit and we are informed that the host is indeed happy to have met us
In short, the advice is that we should not force ourselves into a household where we are not welcome..
Of course these rules do not apply to close relatives, and friends with whom we have to get on whether we or they like that or not..
We see friends who fight with one another every minute, but cannot find meaning in their lives if they do not meet and fight and love too all the time..
No rules are needed in such cases.
Right to fight with one another too is a fundamental right in real friendship..
k v ananthanarayanan

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