Monday, July 10, 2023

No one is created as perfect

No one is created as perfect..
We are trained to equip ourselves to reasonable amount of efficiency and skill through trial and error
So if we start with the presumption that whatever we do is right, or should be right, we can only invite failure and misery.
But if we fail to take lessons from the errors and omissions that are committed by us, then we can only blame ourselves..
The formation of life is something like building with concrete mortar..
We prepare the mixture, and spread it wherever we think is proper..
At the mixing stage, we can correct the quality and quantity of the ingredients.. and make it very efficient and enduring
We can even remove the wet mixture within reasonable time from the structure and start afresh
However, if we are careless in preparing the mixture or in laying it and we allow the mixture to season and harden, the constructed product would become rock solid.. with all the defects fed in through the faulty mixing, faulty ideas and faulty workmanship.
Once the structure has hardened, we cannot repair it..
We can only demolish what we have already built
Demolition means loss, demolition means pollution, demolition means heartbreak
So we should watch, rewind, reconsider and review every step within reasonable time.. and admit the errors and act decisively to repair the damages.
The tiny slices of time and our activities then too are like this..
We might act impulsively, or on the basis of the past experiences, and on the basis of inadequate database too.
But a retrospection within reasonable time would help us to discover and realize our errors..
The people around who are watching too would indicate our shortcomings
It is okay if they are pointing out our errors in a friendly manner and it is okay even if they are laughing at our mistakes..
We have to take our lessons
When that happens we should be sensible enough to admit the errors and effect all possible corrections.
If we refuse to mend, we are the losers.
And a faulty solid mass of emotions, habits and blunders, when they accumulate would ensure our failure..
A stitch in time saves nine..

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