Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Birth of Karthikeya.. the Skanda.

The Birth of Karthikeya.. the Skanda.
Sage Visvamitra is narrating to Rama the story of birth of that great Warrior Karthikeiya
Sargam 37 of Balakandam of Valmikiramayanam
Uma and Shankara had united,
and Gods were waiting for the advent of Leader of their Armed Forces.. the child of Uma and Shankara..
But the Divine couple had proceeded to do penance..
So the Gods along with the Rishis approached Brahma Deva and sought his advice about who would lead their forces.
The Gods, with Indra and Agni in the forefront presented themselves before Brahmadeva, and after offering pranams to him, enquired him.
“ Lord Brahmadeva, we were assured to have a Senapati or leader of our army, as blessed by you and Lord Uma and Shankara, but that Shankara has gone for penance in the company of Devi Uma.
Now, we are left with no option but to approach you who alone knows about ways of the universe … May you guide us as to what should be done for the welfare of the world.. You are our sole guide
The preceptor of the three worlds, after listening to the entreaties of the devas, assured them of all welfare and spoke to them very pleasant word.
( In the earlier Sargam, the plot of Devas which resulted in Uma being deprived of having of her own Son was discussed.. And the dejected Uma had cursed that Devas would never have children by their wives, and that their wives too would never have children)
The daughter of the Mountain has said that you Devas would never have children of your own through your wives and her words can never become false. No doubt about it.
Before proceeding to the northern mountain for doing penance along with Uma, the Lord has deposited his potency with the God of fire. This Ganga of Heaven will take that potency from the fire and would give birth to the Commander in Chief for the army of Gods.
This Ganga, the elder daughter of Himavan the daughter of mountains, is the elder sister of Uma.. and therefore Uma too would love that the child which should have been hers by right is delivered by Ganga..
Listening to this, the Gods were very pleased, and they left the abode of Brahma, after offering respects to Him.
The Gods left for the Kailasa Mountains which are full of minerals and instructed Agni, the God of fire to work for the advent of the Commander in Chief of the Army of God.
They told Agni.
“ You Agni, the carrier of all the oblations for us, please fulfil our request. Please deposit the potential retas of Rudra in the womb of Ganga, the daughter of Himavan.”
Agni, after assuring the Gods to do the needful, approached Ganga and requested her..” Devi, for the welfare of the Gods, please receive the retas of Rudra and get pregnant with it.”
Hearing this, Ganga, fully understanding the greatness of the occasion, assumed a heavenly form spreading herself all over,
The fire god Agni, showered the retas of Lord Shiva all over the sprawling expanse of River Ganga.
However, Ganga was not having and power to hold the potency of Rudra in her womb, and told Agni about it.
Smouldred by unbearable heat caused by the potency of Rudra, Ganga was suffering very much, and hence Agni told her “ Devi, may you please abort the embryo in one of the tributaries of your own, flowing along the valleys of Himavan.”
So she delivered the embryo in one of the streams .
From what flowed out of her womb of the stream holding the embryo, the bright yellow part became molten gold.
The moderately bright discharge became silver.
The other intensely shining parts of the discharge became Copper and Iron..
The less shiny and practically residual parts became Zinc and Tin. This was how the various minerals in the valley came into existence.
When the embryo fell on the stream, the bright shining rays emanated made the whole forest shine with the glow of gold.
Brahmadeva visited that forest area in the valley of Himalayam, which had the stream with the retas of Rudra, and seeing the area glowing so brilliantly, stated..” The whole area is shining with the glow and beauty of the one who is born here. So this area shall bear the name Jaataroopam. And the molten Gold which too shone bright yellow there came to be known as Jataroopa.
The whole area with grass, shrubs, trees and bowers all shone with the glow of Gold with the shine of bright firs, and the whole area looked as if everything had become gold.
The aborted embryo which originated from Shiva and was deposited in the stream of Ganga, took the shape of a beautiful child. The Gods, including Indra, Agni and Maruts who saw this instructed the stars (six in number) Krittikas to feed the child with (breast)milk.
The Krittikas felt that they were the luckiest , and just decided that the child belonged to all the six of them.
On this happy occasion, the Gods declared..” No doubt, the boy will be famous in all the three worlds as Karthikeya, the son of Krittikas.”
The Gods saw with awe the form of that child brilliant and graceful, glowing like fire itself, and since he was born out of an aborted embryo, they called Karthikeya the one who brings luck and blessedness to all as Skanda.
Motherly affection flew out as milk from the breasts of the six Krittikas and the child assumed six faces and drank the milk from all the mothers.
That boy, nourished by the breast of the Six Krittikas, grew into a bright and strong youth within a day’s time, and the Gods decided to appoint Him as the Leader of their Army.
Agni leading the way, the Gods anointed that youth of valour without comparison, as the Commander in Chief of the army of God.
This story is being narrated by Sage Visvamitra.. and Rama is listening..
He concludes..
“ Rama, I have narrated to you the story of Ganga, and the story of birth of Kumara.. The story is very sacred.
Whoever listens to the story of the birth of Karthikeya, would be relived of all sins and would reach the abode of Brahma\
Rama, a man who is a staunch devotee of Karthikeya, would remain on earth with very long and blessed life and after seeing sons and grandsons, would happily reach the abode of Skanda, to live there for ever..
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सर्गः ३७
Thus is the thirtyseventh sarga of Balakandam of Srimad Valmikirmayanam.
तप्यमाने तपो देव देवाः सर्षिगणा पुरा।
सेनापतिमभीप्सन्तः पितामहमुपागमन्॥१
ततोऽब्रुवन् सुराः सर्वे भगवन्तं पितामहं।
प्रणिपत्य सुराः सर्वे सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः॥२
यो नः सेनापतिर्द्देव दत्तो भगवता पुरा॥३
स तपः परमास्थाय तप्यते स्म सहोमया॥४
यदत्रानन्तरं कार्यं लोकानां हितकाम्यया।
संविधत्स्व विधानज्ञ त्वं हि नः परमा गतिः॥५
देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकपितामहः।
सान्त्वयन् मधुरैर्वाक्यैस्त्रिदशानिदमब्रवीत्॥६
शैलपुत्र्या यदुक्तं तदप्रजाः स्वासु पत्निषु।
तस्या वचनमक्लिष्टं सत्यमेव न संशयः॥७
इयमाकाशगा गङ्गा यस्यां पुत्रं हुताशनः।
जनयिष्यति देवानां सेनापतिमरिदमम्।८
ज्येष्ठा शैलेन्द्रदुहिता मानयिष्यति तं सुतं।
उमयास्तद् बहुमतं भविष्यति न संशयः॥९
तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य कृतार्त्था रघुनन्दन।
प्रणिपत्य सुराः सर्वे पितामहमपूजयन्॥१०
ते गत्वा पर्वतं राम कैलासं धातुमण्डितम्।
अग्निं नियोजयामासुः पुत्रार्थम् सर्वदेवताः।११
देवकार्यमिदं देव साधयस्व हुताशन।
शैलपुत्र्यां महातेजो गङ्गायां तेज उत्सृज॥१२
देवतानां प्रतिज्ञाय गङ्गामभ्येत्य पावकः।
गर्भं धारय वै देवि देवतानामिदं प्रियम्॥१३
इत्येतद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दिव्यं रूपमधारयत्।
सा तस्य महिमां दृष्ट्वा समन्तादवकीर्यत॥१४
समन्ततस्तदा देवीमभ्यषिञ्चत पावकः।
सर्वस्रोतांसि पूर्णानि गङ्गाया रघुनन्दन॥१५
तमुवाच ततो गङ्गा सर्वदेवपुरोगमम्।
अशक्ता धारणे देवे तव तेजः समुद्धतम्।
दह्यमानाग्निना तेन संप्रव्यथितचेतना॥१६
अथाब्रवीदिदं गङ्गां पावको हिमवत्सुताम्।
इह हैमवते पादे गर्भोऽयम् सन्निवेश्यताम्॥१७
श्रुत्वाग्नेर्वचनं गङ्गा तं गर्भमतिभास्वरम्।
उत्ससर्ज्ज महातेजः स्रोतेभ्यो रघुनन्दन॥१८
यदस्या निर्गतं तस्मात् तप्तजांबूनदप्रभम्।
काञ्चनं धरणीं प्राप्तं हिरण्यमतुलप्रभम्।१९
ताम्रं कार्ष्ण्यायसं चैव तैक्ष्ण्यादेवाभ्यजायत।
मलं तस्याभवत्तत्र त्रपुः सीसकमेव च।
तदेतद्धरणीम् प्राप्य नानाधातुरवर्द्धत॥२०
निक्षिप्तमात्रे गर्भे तु तेजोभिरभिरञ्जितम्।
सर्वं पर्वतसन्नद्धं सौवर्ण्णमभवद्वनम्।२१
तं देशं तु ततो ब्रह्मा संप्राप्यैनमभाषत।
जातस्य रूपं यत्तस्माज्जातरूपं भविष्यति॥२२
जातरूपमिति ख्यातं तदाप्रभृति राघव।
सुवर्णं पुरुषव्याघ्र हुताशनसमप्रभम्।
तृण्वृक्षलतागुल्मं सर्वं भवति काञ्चनम्॥२३
तं कुमारं ततो जातं सेन्द्राः साग्निमरुद् गणाः।
क्षीरसंभावनार्त्थाय कृत्तिकाः समयोजयन्॥२४
ताः क्षीरं जातमात्रस्य कृवा समयमुत्तमम्।
ददुः पुत्रोऽयमस्माकं सर्वासामिति निश्चिताः॥२५
ततस्तु देवताः सर्वाः कार्तिकेय इति ब्रुवन्।
पुत्रत्रैलोक्यविख्यातो भविष्यति न संशयः॥२६
तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवे।
स्नापयन् परया लक्ष्म्या दीप्यमानमिवानलम्॥२७
स्कन्द इत्यब्रुवन् देवाः स्कन्नं गर्भपरिस्रवात्।
कार्तिकेयं महाभागं काकुत्स्था ज्वलनोपमम्।२८
प्रादुर्भूतं ततः क्षीरं कृत्तिकानामनुत्तमम्।
षण्णां षडाननो भूत्वा जग्राह स्तनजं पयः॥२९
गृहीत्वा क्षीरमेकाह्ना सुकुमारवपुस्तदा।
अजयत् स्वेन वीर्येण दैत्यसेनागणान् विभुः॥३०
सुरसेनागणपतिं ततस्तमतुलद्युतिम्।
अभ्यषिञ्चन् सुरगणाः समेत्याग्निपुरोगमाः॥३१
एष ते राम गङ्गाया विस्तरोऽभिहितो मया।
कुमारसंभवश्चैव धन्यः पुण्यस्तथैव च्॥३२
य इम शृणुयाद्राम कार्तिकेयस्य संभवम्।
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो याति ब्रह्म सनातनम्।३३
भक्तश्च यः कार्तिकेये काकुत्स्थ भुवि मानवः।
आयुष्मान् पुत्रपौत्रश्च स्कन्दसालोक्यमाप्नुयात्॥३४
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सर्गः ३७
tapyamāne tapo deva devāḥ sarṣigaṇā purā|
senāpatimabhīpsantaḥ pitāmahamupāgaman||1
tato'bruvan surāḥ sarve bhagavantaṁ pitāmahaṁ|
praṇipatya surāḥ sarve sendrāḥ sāgnipurogamāḥ||2
yo naḥ senāpatirddeva datto bhagavatā purā||3
sa tapaḥ paramāsthāya tapyate sma sahomayā||4
yadatrānantaraṁ kāryaṁ lokānāṁ hitakāmyayā|
saṁvidhatsva vidhānajña tvaṁ hi naḥ paramā gatiḥ||5
devatānāṁ vacaḥ śrutvā sarvalokapitāmahaḥ|
sāntvayan madhurairvākyaistridaśānidamabravīt||6
śailaputryā yaduktaṁ tadaprajāḥ svāsu patniṣu|
tasyā vacanamakliṣṭaṁ satyameva na saṁśayaḥ||7
iyamākāśagā gaṅgā yasyāṁ putraṁ hutāśanaḥ|
janayiṣyati devānāṁ senāpatimaridamam|8
jyeṣṭhā śailendraduhitā mānayiṣyati taṁ sutaṁ|
umayāstad bahumataṁ bhaviṣyati na saṁśayaḥ||9
tacchrutvā vacanaṁ tasya kṛtārtthā raghunandana|
praṇipatya surāḥ sarve pitāmahamapūjayan||10
te gatvā parvataṁ rāma kailāsaṁ dhātumaṇḍitam|
agniṁ niyojayāmāsuḥ putrārtham sarvadevatāḥ|11
devakāryamidaṁ deva sādhayasva hutāśana|
śailaputryāṁ mahātejo gaṅgāyāṁ teja utsṛja||12
devatānāṁ pratijñāya gaṅgāmabhyetya pāvakaḥ|
garbhaṁ dhāraya vai devi devatānāmidaṁ priyam||13
ityetadvacanaṁ śrutvā divyaṁ rūpamadhārayat|
sā tasya mahimāṁ dṛṣṭvā samantādavakīryata||14
samantatastadā devīmabhyaṣiñcata pāvakaḥ|
sarvasrotāṁsi pūrṇāni gaṅgāyā raghunandana||15
tamuvāca tato gaṅgā sarvadevapurogamam|
aśaktā dhāraṇe deve tava tejaḥ samuddhatam|
dahyamānāgninā tena saṁpravyathitacetanā||16
athābravīdidaṁ gaṅgāṁ pāvako himavatsutām|
iha haimavate pāde garbho'yam sanniveśyatām||17
śrutvāgnervacanaṁ gaṅgā taṁ garbhamatibhāsvaram|
utsasarjja mahātejaḥ srotebhyo raghunandana||18
yadasyā nirgataṁ tasmāt taptajāṁbūnadaprabham|
kāñcanaṁ dharaṇīṁ prāptaṁ hiraṇyamatulaprabham|19
tāmraṁ kārṣṇyāyasaṁ caiva taikṣṇyādevābhyajāyata|
malaṁ tasyābhavattatra trapuḥ sīsakameva ca|
tadetaddharaṇīm prāpya nānādhāturavarddhata||20
nikṣiptamātre garbhe tu tejobhirabhirañjitam|
sarvaṁ parvatasannaddhaṁ sauvarṇṇamabhavadvanam|21
taṁ deśaṁ tu tato brahmā saṁprāpyainamabhāṣata|
jātasya rūpaṁ yattasmājjātarūpaṁ bhaviṣyati||22
jātarūpamiti khyātaṁ tadāprabhṛti rāghava|
suvarṇaṁ puruṣavyāghra hutāśanasamaprabham|
tṛṇvṛkṣalatāgulmaṁ sarvaṁ bhavati kāñcanam||23
taṁ kumāraṁ tato jātaṁ sendrāḥ sāgnimarud gaṇāḥ|
kṣīrasaṁbhāvanārtthāya kṛttikāḥ samayojayan||24
tāḥ kṣīraṁ jātamātrasya kṛvā samayamuttamam|
daduḥ putro'yamasmākaṁ sarvāsāmiti niścitāḥ||25
tatastu devatāḥ sarvāḥ kārtikeya iti bruvan|
putratrailokyavikhyāto bhaviṣyati na saṁśayaḥ||26
teṣāṁ tadvacanaṁ śrutvā skannaṁ garbhaparisrave|
snāpayan parayā lakṣmyā dīpyamānamivānalam||27
skanda ityabruvan devāḥ skannaṁ garbhaparisravāt|
kārtikeyaṁ mahābhāgaṁ kākutsthā jvalanopamam|28
prādurbhūtaṁ tataḥ kṣīraṁ kṛttikānāmanuttamam|
ṣaṇṇāṁ ṣaḍānano bhūtvā jagrāha stanajaṁ payaḥ||29
gṛhītvā kṣīramekāhnā sukumāravapustadā|
ajayat svena vīryeṇa daityasenāgaṇān vibhuḥ||30
surasenāgaṇapatiṁ tatastamatuladyutim|
abhyaṣiñcan suragaṇāḥ sametyāgnipurogamāḥ||31
eṣa te rāma gaṅgāyā vistaro'bhihito mayā|
kumārasaṁbhavaścaiva dhanyaḥ puṇyastathaiva c||32
ya ima śṛṇuyādrāma kārtikeyasya saṁbhavam|
sarvapāpavinirmukto yāti brahma sanātanam|33
bhaktaśca yaḥ kārtikeye kākutstha bhuvi mānavaḥ|
āyuṣmān putrapautraśca skandasālokyamāpnuyāt||34
ityārṣe śrīmadrāmāyaṇe vālmīkīye ādikāvye bālakāṇḍe sargaḥ 37

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