Saturday, July 08, 2023

why Krishna forgot Radha once he left for Mathura and Dwaraka ?

For a query or statement...
" l am yet to find an answer as to why, Krishna has totally forgotten, his onetime pal ,girl friend raadha, once he migrated to Dwaraka"
From the viewpoint of an ordinary human being guided by logic, it may not be possible to get an answer supported by that logic ..
True, we all belong to that category..
But the impressions of Uddava when he visited Gokulam and Brinadavanam at the behest of Krishna years after Krishna left .. would answer the question..
Radha and other girls would have ceased to physically see Krishna, but they never released Him from their heart..
The other earthly characters of that age required Krishnas physical presence.. this included even Kunthi and Arjuna and many others ..
But the Gopikas had already merged with the spirit of Krishna within the span of about ten years they lived with him..
Krishna the physical being was no more necessary for them..
I trust that should be the reason..
It must be true.
. Krishna as a physical being fell dead after being hit by the arrow of a hunter..
But He as the Lord of Guruvayur, Dwaraka, Puri
or as the Lord of any of the hearts of us living beings,
is living for ever..
Is there any doubt about it..?
Krishna lives as the acharya of Gita ..
as the darling child of every household even today,
as the lover of everyone every dreamy eyed girl,,
as the protector as everyone,
as the mischievous and crafty controller of the universe for ever..
When did Krishna leave anyone.. leave alone Radha?
He dances in my mind and your mind, he moves the keyboard..
The greatest truth in Krishna
The greatest reality is Krishna
If one can accept a single thing without any proof .. it is Krishna..
Krishnaat Param kimapai tattwam aham na jaane
I do not know any tattwam beyond Krishna..

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