Wednesday, August 02, 2023

न गायत्र्याः परो मन्त्रः न मातुर्दैवतं परम्।

Gayatri Japam.. न गायत्र्याः परो मन्त्रः न मातुर्दैवतं परम्।
na gāyatryāḥ paro mantraḥ na māturdaivataṁ param| There no other chant superior to gayatri, just as there is no god superior to one's own mother.
The Brahmins world over chant gayatri 1008 times together, and many do havans chanting gayatri.. The occasion supposed to be to expiate oneself of the sins committed over the whole year by going the wrong path and for having lived in a world of illusion without knowing one's own duty..
It is a great gesture.. in expiation.. One's sins can be burnt away only in the furnace of one's of burning intellect. We know that him son or parabhramam, is the source of all strength and energy, and his superior effulgence is supposed to kindle our minds, and stimulate them.. In such a suprer-stimulated state all our sins are burnt off and we get a new lease of life to lead a life of righteousness. We have come across many chants and spells in many religions and faiths.. most of them pray to the God or the supreme soul for many material benefits. But by gayatri, whose general meaning alone is usually comprehended by us, is a prayer to the living and ever apparent orb of the Sun who is common to all humans and other living beings,, no caste or creed or religions here.. he is the source of all life, through his golden arms he takes away the contaminated water from any murky source, separated the pure water content alone, and creates the clouds to pour over us the rain of absolutely pure water. This is seen by all. The same golden hands splits carbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll and water and generates all the food that is necessary for the world and also give us the air of life, oxygen also in this process. Who else can be a greater cleanser of the mind. Pranams to all the dwijashretas over the universe who chant gayatri today for the welfare of the world.

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