Thursday, August 24, 2023

आचार्यो ब्रह्मणो मूर्तिः पिता मूर्तिः प्रजापतेः

आचार्यो ब्रह्मणो मूर्तिः पिता मूर्तिः प्रजापतेः
माता पृथिव्या मूर्तिस्तु भ्राता स्वो मूर्तिरात्मनः।
यं मातापितरौ क्लेशं सहेत संभवे नृणाम्।
न तस्य निष्कृतिः शक्या कर्तुं वर्षशतैरपि।
तयोर्न्नित्यं प्रियं कुर्यादाचार्यस्य च सर्वदा।
तेष्वेव त्रिषु तुष्टेषु तपः सर्वं समाप्यते।
तेषां त्रयाणां शुश्रूषा परमं तप उच्यते।
न तैरभ्यनुज्ञातो धर्ममन्यं समाचरेत्॥
ācāryo brahmaṇo mūrtiḥ pitā mūrtiḥ prajāpateḥ
mātā pṛthivyā mūrtistu bhrātā svo mūrtirātmanaḥ|
yaṁ mātāpitarau kleśaṁ saheta saṁbhave nṛṇām|
na tasya niṣkṛtiḥ śakyā kartuṁ varṣaśatairapi|
tayornnityaṁ priyaṁ kuryādācāryasya ca sarvadā|
teṣveva triṣu tuṣṭeṣu tapaḥ sarvaṁ samāpyate|
teṣāṁ trayāṇāṁ śuśrūṣā paramaṁ tapa ucyate|
na tairabhyanujñāto dharmamanyaṁ samācaret||
A quote from Manusmriti
The people who think themselves to be modern and secular make it a point always to curse whatever that is said by Manu, the greatest lawmaker of India.
Our Dharmashastras... we have many of them .. pronounced by many sages.. some two hundred and odd as discovered till date.. all follow the manusmriti.. Manusmriti is the last word on law, as long as there is no conflict with Vedas.. and obviously what we find in Manusmriti is never at loggerhead with Vedas..
The quote above, I presume is to be accepted universally, by all, whether Hindus or Atheists.. They just touch upon the core of our existence..
Meaning of the slokas.
The preceptor of Guru is equal to Brahma the creator himself
Our own father is equal to the primordial patriarch.. the Prajapati.. from whom all human kind was born
Our own mother is equal to mother earth herself.
Our own brother is equal to our own self..
The sufferings undergone by our mother and father to give us birth and nurture us, cannot be compensated even if we serve them with devotion for hundred years.
So all human beings should conduct themselves in such a way that the parents are always please..
The same duty is to be discharged in respect to the preceptor, the teacher, the acharya too.
All our penance, endeavours, and actions would be effective and worthy only if these three are ever happy..
Our life and penance have meaning only then.
Faithful service to the parents and the preceptor is considered as the most supreme penance.
That is the primary Dharma
And if we are to act in pursuance of any other dhrama, that should be done only after getting the clear and definity consent from the three... the mother, father and the preceptor
Some may say this is too melodramatic.
But this was the enforceable law in India.. when Sanatana Dharma was at its glorious reign..
k v ananthanarayanan

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